[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/yjyl2W8THDpaGLnPFFswROcp2AyGK9DqGLbw3Nayr_A/https/see.fontimg.com/api/renderfont4/g105/eyJyIjoiZnMiLCJoIjo4MSwidyI6MTI1MCwiZnMiOjY1LCJmZ2MiOiIjQjY4QzI1IiwiYmdjIjoiI0ZGRkZGRiIsInQiOjF9/UXVha2U/blow-me-personal-use-regular.png[/img][/center] Blake’s fire herded about a third of the ogres into one of the buildings near them. They detested his fire, which was awesome for her. Because if they could get them all into a building Jamie could use her own signature move. Collapsing buildings. Finally, that skill was useful! On a normal day, her pay would’ve been docked for destroying a building. Somehow she didn’t think that would be the case today. She examined the building for a moment. Not just with her eyes, but with her power too. It didn’t seem that sturdy of a building. The Romans must not have been too good at building stuff, because it would collapse pretty easily. Which was great for now, but the ancients who lived here once couldn't've been very smart to build their stuff like that. Once she felt that most of the ogres that would get into the building were in there, Jamie backed up and extended her hands. The building began to shake, several pieces of its drywall falling off and obstructing the doorway. [color=Goldenrod]“STAND BACK!”[/color] she yelled, before she yanked her arms back, and with them, the building. It collapsed to the ground around the ogres with an earth-rattling noise and sensation. Jamie had to put her hand on a pillar to stabilize herself, breathing heavily. God, she wished she had brought her goggles. Dust from the collapse exploded out from the collapse, carrying with it the ugly smell of the ogres. She flashed a thumbs-up to Blake, who was currently struggling with a Vermile. Hopefully that had worked. Making sure to stay far away from the alive ogres, Jamie drifted towards the collapsed building as soon as the shaking seemed to stop. She covered her mouth and nose with her arm. Those ogres were probably dead, but it was worth it to check. She didn’t [i]want[/i] to use another big blast of her power like that (her arms were hurting now, ow), but she would if she had to. [@DClassified][@KaijuBaragon][@Hitman][@Scarifar]