Iris felt herself ease up a little as Miles assured her, backing off in a nice way and not making it into a big deal that she had turned him down. Letting out a shaky sigh she felt a rush of relief as it hopefully meant that they could still be friends and nothing had to change, it seemed that way with his words so she was happier in that fact. [color=f49ac2][i]Oh, thank god, he doesn’t hate me. He just thought I was hot it was nothing more than that. What a relief[/i][/color]. Finding herself smiling alongside his assuring one just glad that it didn’t get worse. [color=f49ac2]“Yeah no, that’s fine. I’m glad we’re still cool though.” [/color] It was a compliment that he thought she was hot, she never would have thought that people inside the Capital could have been interested in her as she didn’t think herself as any sort of contender against how beautiful people were here. [color=f49ac2][i]Should I say I’m flattered? No, that would just make it worse.[/i][/color] Pushing away the thoughts as she felt her body relax and not tensed, stopping herself from fidgeting with the sleeves she was glad that he had such a lax attitude and somehow turned it into some sort of positive. [color=f49ac2]“Thanks Miles. We can still be friends. If of course you want a former rebel as a friend, very dangerous of course.”[/color] Finding herself laughing nervously feeling loads better that they had cleared the air over something she had never considered until last night when Cas had mentioned it. Least he had mentioned it because she would have been totally oblivious to it all and at least she had been prepared for it. Not that it made it any easier for how awkward it had been. The jokes however did make it seem less bad and of course she knew she wasn’t going to be dangerous, but considering that she was part of the rebellion and they were considered a threat to the Capital it was an easy joke to make. Before she could make anymore jokes or somehow make it even more awkward the doorbell had gone, and she couldn’t help but sigh thankful for the distraction. [color=f49ac2]“Oh no of course, It’s probably important this early.”[/color] Waving it off with a smile as she watched him leave, she moved herself over to the sofa now he wasn’t there. Not that she was against sitting next to him, but she didn’t want to sit down after rejecting him, next to him. Hearing the door shut behind him she sunk into the sofa shaking her head with a grimace, that had not been her proudest moment because she had been so awkward at the scene. [color=f49ac2][i]I hope I’m not here for much longer.[/i][/color] Raising her hand to her forehead letting it drop to in front of her eyes mulling over her thoughts, hoping that whoever was at the door would be a good enough distraction for them both to not bring up the awkward subject of rejection.