"Very good," Kaiden and Micha said simultaneously, and Kaiden colored at the realization. Micha looked at him with scrutiny, but to Kaiden's relief the man didn't chastise him in front of the crew. The prince didn't even look Sabatine's way, not deigning to see any look she would give him. Instead he stood at attention just as he was trained to do, watching over the men he brought with them. Bushman and Harwen might bicker and cause trouble when off duty, but they concentrated like proper spacers when the time called for it. The monitor display showcased their ascent into the stratosphere and further up until the light blue of the sky turned dark and filled with stars. Even after traveling across planets himself, standing on the deck of a ship made it so he never felt such a sight could get old. "It's amazing, isn't it sir?" Kaiden asked the Captain softly, his lips having curved into a smile. "Yes indeed." Micha responded in a far less enchanted tone, clearing his throat. He seemed to be shaking but Kaiden took that as the ship's thrumming beneath the bridge. The Captain turned to him and blinked. "Lieutenant, I do believe I have it handled here for the moment. Go and check on the Bosun with Lieutenant Hickoring. The Bosun is your man, and you two should get to know one another now that you'll be serving together." Kaiden's once bright face turned to stone somehow, without even changing a muscle. He paused for a moment, not certain if he should regale the Captain with their prior history right here upon the deck as the crew were adjusting the thruster levels and keeping an eye on the various UIs on their monitors. "Sir, I had thought my help on the deck would be welcomed." "Are you suggesting I need it, Lieutenant?" The Captain retorted a bit too quickly. He looked nervous, which made him defensive likely. Kaiden learned such actions from Psychology 101 in his cadet years, but he didn't expect it from a Captain. Perhaps it was a test on his loyalty. The prince spun properly to present himself face to face with his superior, clapped his feet together and saluted with a practiced, fluid motion. "My apologies. I'll leave you to it then, sir!" [@Penny]