[sub]M E T A M O R P H O S I S[/sub] The curve of the poem caught my eye and is lovely like the quaint and unique wording that has been chosen. [sub]T H E B U T T E R F L Y[/sub] The acrostic is adorable, and each line offers a promising read. [sub]B U T T E R F L Y[/sub] As an haiku, the opening word captured my attention immediately and followed with every bit of excitement for something cheery. [sub]П О Л У Д Е Н Н О Е С О Л Н Ц Е[/sub] Slavic folklore meets Japanese intense simplicity ought to have been met with a translation of "fluttering" as opposed to "glowing." [sub]S U M M E R H A I K U[/sub] A summer haiku referencing the cycle of growth and the redundant of seasonal reoccurrence is small and nice some sort of halo of life. [sub]D R E A M S[/sub] The metaphorical paralleling with plain speech implications for growth is quite lovely. [sub]T H E S U M M E R O F 2 0[/sub] The 16th century-inspired poem is quite in-depth and portrays the hardship of not just cheery life but darker side of nature in a twisted manner. [sub]S E N S I T I V I T Y T O I N I T I A L C O N D I T I O N S[/sub] A traditional long-suffering struggle of a promise that can be easily broken by modern day standards leaves me with the question of, "Is the glass half-empty or half-full?" [hr] There is no vote because like [@BrokenPromise], I have no proper knowledge of the medium. However, all the entries have their wonderful qualities, even the ones not mentioned in this post. Thank you so very much for the wonderful read.