[hider=Donny Yang] Appearance: [img]https://i.imgur.com/On3ZHXy.jpg[/img] Costume: More or less the same, but with a black cloak to cover himself with, as well as a harder metal mask. Name: Donny Yang Hero/Vigilante Name: Dark Matter Gender: Male Age: 15 Height: 5'10, potentially 8'11 if he stretches his body upwards. Weight: 360lbs Personality: A fairly milquetoast person despite appearances. Donny's not really the type of person who normally finds himself actively seeking conflict and generally seems more the type to stay out of trouble if at all possible. A nice enough fellow but also rather boring. Your typical nerd interested in nerdy things like anime, video games, and generally indulging in personal pleasures over constructing anything more meaningful for himself. That's not to say he's unwilling to grow into a better person if given sufficient motivation, but finding motivation is difficult when there's no driving force to push you to become better. At the very least, Donny realizes that his current lifestyle is rather unfulfilling and growing stale. Though still cautious of trying new things he's somewhat more eager to try and be different, maybe even a heroic. Background: Donny was not born the creature he is now. His parents were fairly normal humans with minor quirks. His father was a police officer while his mother ran a shop. It wasn't until Donny was four years old that he suddenly mutated into a strange blob like creature, something which frighten not just his parents but also Donny himself. They consulted doctors and learned that this was indeed the manifestation of Donny's quirk. His parents were rightfully worried about what would happen to their son growing up. Even though mutation quirks aren't necessarily looked down upon in society, they knew Donny would have a hard childhood if he simply tried to live among normal human with his quirk. Fortunately, they had an out. They sent Donny his his grandfather, who lived in Japan in a community full of people who's mutation quirks made them quite monstrous. Donny's grandfather had a quirk that replaced his hair with black snake-like creatures that could grow and make different noises, so he was no unfamiliar with being treated differently for his appearance or abilities. Though Donny had a bit of difficulty adjusting to life at first, before long he was able to live a relatively normal childhood. He went to a special school for children who had similarly strange quirks like himself so he could better learn how to take care of his body and adapt to society as a whole. That's not to say he was without struggles, as he still went through much of what children go through in school such as education, bullying, and bored monotony, but Donny had a thankfully peaceful childhood despite the circumstances. As Donny grew up through Middle School he found himself a group of friends who shared his interest in things like anime and generally being a dork. Some where cooler than others, others more a loser than him, but all in all he had friends who gave him a reason to try and make something of himself. He started to learn how to cook as he found pretty much anything that he put into his body delicious, and started to cook for others so they could share in his experience. He became quite a skilled chef and wanted to dabble in all sorts of culinary arts. And it was during these forays into foreign cuisine that he also had an surprising experience with some of the wickness in the world. He learned how all sorts of businesses did terrible things to people and animals for profits, subjecting them to horrific things in the name of consumerism. Now, being a young boy from a middle-class family, there wasn't really much Donny could do about any of it. He saw how the sausage gets made and he'd still eat it despite the knowledge. But it did make him think: Maybe he could do something. As Middle School shifted towards High School, many of Donny's friends would go their separate ways. Most were going to various technical schools where they could learn valuable trade skills while a few were going to academies that would allow them to make a career with their quirks. One in particular was going to test for the vaunted UA Hero Academy, and even encouraged Donny to try. Donny of course denied himself the opportunity, as he's never really tried to use his quirk for any real heroics aside from games with other children when he was younger. Still... The fact his friend thought Donny even had a chance gave the blob a spark of hope that maybe, just maybe, his dream could be a reality. And it is for this reason that Donny eventually found himself attending [School Name]. Mainly because it was closest to his home, but at the same time it was a fairly normal school where he wouldn't need to feel pressured to excel as a hero, but it did have a Hero Class. Donny had no idea how exactly a normal high school would hold hero classes, he assumed it was basically some form of law or civics class, but he was eager to try it out. If it doesn't work, he could drop it. But if it did work, than Donny might be able to be more than just a black blob. He could be a hero. Quirk: Black beast - Donny’s quirk manifests as a mutation that makes him a rather large, amorphous black blob. Donny is highly resistant against physical attacks, as blades just past right through him, and blunt attacks just bounce off or cause his body to jiggle a bit. He has a tar-like consistency that allows people to grab him but it’s also quite sticky. Donny can store things inside his body as if it was one huge pocket though it’s not suggested that he puts living things inside of him unless they can hold their breath. Donny can also create bony appendages from his body such as hands, teeth, tentacles, and even wings. He can’t fly with them though. A notable quirk of his powers is that Donny is capable of consuming anything by absorbing it through his body: not only can he consume poisons, rancid, or outright inedible things, they all taste delicious to him. Poisons and toxins in generally are ineffective against him. Donny is notable weak against extreme temperatures. If it's too cold, his body will become stiff and brittle, making it much easier to physically harm him. If it's too hot he has a much harder time to maintain his form making it easier to displace his mass as well as decreasing his overall agility. While he is shapeless and doesn’t have a face or any visible organs Donny still can only look in one direction. That direction isn’t always where his mask is pointing but it is in a good indicator of which way he’s looking. Additionally due to the strange nature of his anatomy, Donny is much more susceptible to sensory based attacks. He has no ears to cover if he's subjected to a sonic attack, nor can he actually "close" his eyes when it comes to visual forms of attack such as bright lights or hypnotism. And while he lacks the anatomy for most trained fighters to capitalize on, such as lacking a head for concussive blows or kneecaps to break to limit his mobility, his blacken mass is all one singular sensory organ, so any contact would be felt and hurt the same no matter where you land the blow. The only way he could "block" an attack on his body is via his bone appendages, which are tough but not unbreakable. Thus a smart opponent would simply prioritize making sure their attacks hit his body, as it would do the same amount of damage no matter where they strike, and this can easily chip away at Donny's health as he isn't particularly agile enough to protect every inch of his considerable mass. Donny is also a [i]terrible[/i] swimmer as his body is too dense to keep himself afloat even if he tries to spread his body's mass out or create fins to help him swim. And despite lacking lungs he can drown if he's suck in an environment where he has little to no breathable air, such as underwater. Other: Donny is a very skilled chef and generally specializes in baking, though he's also tried his hands at ramen too. He's currently interested in trying to learn some italian dishes. He's pretty weak at grilling though. Donny actually likes tunneling as he can eat dirt and dig himself out from any cave ins. It's not uncommon for him to burrow into the ground to take a nap. [/hider]