[hider=Sendachi, Kouki][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0fgOKP8.png[/img][h2]Kouki Sendachi[/h2] [sup]Male | 15 y/o | 5'8 | 121/1165 lbs[/sup][/center] [u][b]Personality[/b][/u] [indent]Though he has a resting bitch face and a cynic’s sneer for a smile, Kouki certainly wished he were more extroverted than he currently was. Having spent middle school with the unearned reputation of a truant delinquent who habitually stares down teachers and being subsequently ostracized by his peers as a result, his social skills are moot, and his friend circle exists only outside of school. He keeps quiet and keeps to himself, too shy to strike up conversation with a stranger but too self-conscious to admit to wanting to join up with a group in the off-chance that he is invited to anything. And even if he does accept an invitation somewhere, at some time, Kouki’s bad habit of overthinking everything often ends up with him just not showing up at the end, citing some bullshit excuse to not show up. What’s worse though? That by the end of middle school, he’s become comfortable being with himself, and even though he wants to become more outgoing, more social, he’s also fine with not becoming so. With one exception, of course…[/indent] [u][b]Background[/b][/u] [indent]A baby boy born with an extra hole above his butt would have been cause for concern in any other era except the era of mutants. As such, it was just an incredibly embarrassing fact to talk or even think about as he grew up. Having weird eyes or big hands was one thing, but having an extra butthole that leaked white stuff if he didn’t stay focused? Eugh, no please. Didn’t help that his parents were the loving, spoiling type either, seeing Kouki’s solemn, grim expression as reasons to excessively praise his “extra hole” in a bid to raise his self-esteem. He was mature as a child, as mature as a precocious, lonely brat could be, but even though he could understand why his parents were that way, Kouki wasn’t going to be any happier with that sorta praise too. Thus, his frown grew. Thus, he withdrew further into himself. Thus, by the time he got to middle school, Kouki’s attitude was already fixed in place, staring down others with a cold expression, his scrambled thoughts never moving fast enough to actually formulate an answer before they assumed his disinterest or disgust and scampered off. Though no one bullied him, most people avoided him too. School festivals were painful. He would slip away from groups and squat at the back of the school buildings, waiting for it to end. School trips were even more so. If he went missing, everyone else in his group would get in trouble too, so he maintained a distance of twenty meters instead, plugging his ears with his headphones so they wouldn’t feel any obligation to converse. His middle school life wasn’t devoid of social interaction though. Kouki found places and people who didn’t know of his baggage by slipping into the backdoors of night clubs. Though it rarely went beyond a couple of words, dancing was fun. He really got into it, even, clearing out the basement of his house so he had space to practice by himself. It was fun. It was enjoyable. It kept him alive. But Kouki did not go to a high school with a dance club. He applied and was accepted into a hero course for a local high school instead. His parents questioned him about it, of course, and after twenty minutes of emotionlessly freaking out over how to answer, if he even could answer, the youth spoke two words. [i]“For love.”[/i] Then he immediately self-combusted from embarrassment.[/indent] [u][b]Quirk[/b][/u] - [b]Quicksilver[/b] [sub]Mutant-Type[/sub] [indent]Kouki produces a silvery-white liquid metal within a hole positioned over his tailbone at a rate of about six milliliters per day. After being alive for fifteen years, he has about 35 liters of this curious metal, which, when kept inside his body, increases his weight by 474 kg (1044 lbs), exhibiting a density similar to that of mercury, though without any of the toxicity. Acting as an extension of his own body, Kouki’s Quicksilver can take an array of imagined forms and can alter itself to heat up, cool down, or become magnetic. Though it takes time to make these alterations upon his material, the movement of his Quicksilver itself is fairly effortless for Kouki: so long as it remains within twenty meters of himself, Quicksilver moves as fast as any other limb of his, floats in defiance of gravity, and appears to have enough ‘strength’ to sustain 40 kg for each 1 liter of Quicksilver used, capping out at 1400 kg. This speed lowers past the twenty meter point, until the metal becomes wholly inert at the fifty meter point. Though Kouki cannot feel through his Quicksilver, he is able to sense when others interact with it; if he’s not actively maintaining a form, the liquid metal has a consistency similar to putty. Though Quicksilver cannot be destroyed, it can certainly be lost. Complex alterations will lead to headaches and nosebleeds, and potent disruptions will cause the Quicksilver to become a formless blob once more. Due to lack of opportunities to be rendered unconscious through violent means, it’s unknown how Quicksilver responds in such situations.[/indent][/hider]