[hr][hr][center][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/I6mf9Ct4crxUqfPuGcRdA3g-s-RA--eXx7HnRAi9MIA/https/i.imgur.com/ZF1PQyX.png[/img][hr][hr][b][color=darkgray]Location:[/color][/b] Galley [b][color=darkgray]Skills:[/color][/b][hr][/center] For the most part, Cal's dour expression remained on her face when Kyle attempted to bring up her mood. It wasn't his fault; after everything, making her smile was an impossible task. The corner of her mouth did twitch upward, though, like a boulder someone was trying to push, budging only slightly, but budging nonetheless. She wasn't going to smile, but for half a second, she wasn't frowning. Once that half-second was over, she let out a huff from her nose. [color=darkgray]"Right then, if we're planning on doing somethin', we should take stock of what we've got, and what we might need. Luckily, we've got the magic menu thing in here, so that's a big plus, but let's see what we've got on us before we decide to make anything,"[/color] she said, before she began emptying out her pockets and putting her items on the table. First the lighter, then the knife, then the vial of liquid, and finally, her pill bottle. But as her eyes once again brushed against the name typed out on the bottle, it was like unlocking a lock in her head. [hider=Trigger Warning: Attempted Suicide] It was more vivid than any of the other memory snippets she'd felt before. It felt like she was there. She was surrounded by white tile in front of a white sink. A bathroom? A bathroom. It wasn't well taken care of, with grime and water stains on the walls and floor. She felt...loss? She'd lost someone. No, not someone...two someones. And failure. She felt failure. She'd tried to do something, but couldn't. She couldn't remember who she'd lost, or what she'd failed at. But the feelings were strong. In her hand she felt that pill bottle, labelled with the name 'Vincent O'Mally'. Except it was full, and the lid was nowhere to be found. She stood there for a long while, staring down at the bottle. She knew what was to come even before she remembered it. She wanted to stop remembering, but the ball was already rolling. Eventually, she brought the bottle to her lips, tilted her head back, and did the deed. She swallowed a number of the pills, but her throat rejected most of them, coughing and sputtering them into the sink. She reached for the glass of water she'd prepared to help them go down, instead knocking it over, the water spilling onto the floor. What followed was hours of fading in and out of consciousness, vomiting on the white tiles, knowing every time she closed her eyes that she could very well die. But despite what she'd intended, death never arrived. [/hider] It had felt like an eternity had passed when Cal came to, but it had really only been a few seconds, her hand was gripping the table, using it to keep her balance. Her head was hung, staring at the ground, where her cigarette and pill bottle lay. She hazily remembered dropping the bottle when the memory hit, and the cigarette must've fallen out of her mouth when her lips parted in shock. Her cheeks were damp with what her sniffling nose suggested were tears. She pushed herself off the table, stumbling in place in a daze, wiping her cheeks clean with her arm. [color=darkgray]"S-sorry, where were we?"[/color] Her words came out as a weak mumble, as if hoping lowering her volume would help conceal the anguish in her voice. It didn't.