[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/383674146426454019/736347733446885436/Untitled-2.png[/img][/center] [color=7e5e7f]"I'm..."[/color] The Lunite grimaced at the sound of her own voice. Cryosleep was harmless, and on paper there wasn't really any difference between being under for ten minutes or ten years. Maybe, [i]maybe[/i], if you stayed under for thousands of years you'd start to see some real ill effects. It didn't [i]completely[/i] halt you after all, just ground the passage of time to such an infinitesimal rate that no change [i]seemed[/i] to have occurred. You would have to stay under for a long time for that to add up. In practice, however, the body had something to say about occupying the same position for years and years. Her voice grated still, and the word came out in a parody of her usual tone. She took the man across the table from her's hand and shook it firmly, holding up a finger on her other hand to plead his indulgence for just a moment. Artemie took a few long, deep drinks of water and cleared her throat quietly in an effort to clear the sandpaper from her throat. When she spoke again her voice came out clearer and stronger, if not [i]quite[/i] normal. [color=7e5e7f]"I'm Artemie Isra,"[/color] She began again, shaking his hand once more before she released it. [color=7e5e7f]"It's a pleasure to meet you all. Rude of me not to meet you all before you slept, I know, but I'd been waiting for quite some time. You all are...?"[/color] Artemie took a quick glance around the table, particularly raising her eyebrows a moment at the hot sauce remark. She'd been eating... Never mind. Why did so many of them have prostheses of some kind? Was it a new trend? They weren't uncommon at home, of course, but only when medically necessary. Was it just happenstance that multiple people here needed them, or a factor of their careers? Two of them had clearly had lengthy ones just looking at them, but what about the paler girl? Was it weird that she was a pilot who [i]hadn't[/i] undergone any upgrades now? Suddenly she felt even [i]more[/i] out of place. Taking a break outside the flow of time [i]sucked[/i].