[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/H3gQQuc.jpg?1[/img][/center] [right][sup][b]Kord Sciences Building. Manhattan. New York City[/b][/sup][/right][hr]Ted leaned back in his chair and peered out the floor to ceiling windows that lined his office. While Kord Sciences didn't have the largest building in New York, he still had one hell of a view of the city he loved. Buildings lined his vision like impeccably drilled army ready to march. Well, an impeccably drilled army made up of soldiers with hilariously differing heights. The thought made him chuckle, and then he was embarrassed that he laughed at his own internal monologue. He was proud of what he had here. It wasn't the largest building, but it was his. Made by the efforts of him and his scientists, Kord Sciences had become a true force for good in the world. No longer was his name tied up in the military industrial complex, and he could be secure in the knowledge that would be a permanent fixture. Before he could get too comfortable with everything he had helped build here, Beatriz da Costa came bursting into his office. The tall, tanned woman had her long, curly hair pulled back into a bun, and wore a suit covering her thin frame. Dark, piercing eyes stared at him with the intensity she brought to her work, and which scared him just a little bit. Beatriz was a whiz when it came to marketing and PR, but Ted always thought she missed her call as a model due to the striking looks that were probably considered stereotypical when considering a Brazilian woman. Of course he had never said that to her. That would be crazy. In fact, he probably should never have thought that. It'd probably get him in trouble one way or another. "You know you run this company right?" her eyebrow cocked at him, a playful smile hidden behind faux annoyance. "Coming in halfway through the day is not how CEOs usually do things." [color=6ecff6]"No?"[/color] he asked. [color=6ecff6]"I thought that was part of the whole appeal of it. That and the oodles of money, of course."[/color] "Very funny," she shook her head. "I set up an interview with USNN for tomorrow about the climate projects." Ted twirled around in his seat with annoyance and groaned, [color=6ecff6]"You know I hate interviews."[/color] "Mhm," she responded condescendingly. "I also know that every time you do one our stock price goes up a few points." Nodding with approval, he responded, [color=6ecff6]"I do like that."[/color] "It's almost like I know what I'm doing," he face morphed into a mask of mock surprise. He liked her, if he was being honest. She was fun, and brought some much needed life to the office. Kord loved being around other scientists, but even he had to admit they were far from the best company when it came to water cooler banter. [color=6ecff6]"Yea, yea,"[/color] he wave her out of the office. As she was at the door, he teased, [color=6ecff6]"You're a pain in my ass."[/color] "Excuse me?" she turned back with fire in her eyes. "What did you say about my ass?" [color=6ecff6]"I-I...no...I didn't-"[/color] "Oh my god you should see your face," she cackled as she left the office. [color=6ecff6]"That...that was not funny,"[/color] he sighed. Before he could actually get down to work, his computer alerted him that Dr. Olafsdotter was calling in from the Arctic Circle. He patched the call in, and a holographic screen popped up from his desk displaying the Norwegian scientist. The striking blue eyes and so-blond-it's-almost-white hair that were her most striking features hit Ted like a stiff breeze, "Mr. Kord, it's been a few weeks." [color=6ecff6]"Dr. Olafsdotter,"[/color] he smiled, always being entranced by her Scandinavian beauty, [color=6ecff6]"I'm sorry about that. I've been busy."[/color] "So have we," she smiled broadly. "The machine works." That made Ted sit a bit higher in his chair, refocused on business and not the beautiful woman, [color=6ecff6]"It works? Like we thought it would?"[/color] Tora had come to him with a theory that through a natural chemical procedure she could recover Arctic and Antarctic ice that had been loss from climate change. He had worked with her to develop a solar powered machine to facilitate the chemical process without the need for an operator. For the past three months she had been experimenting with it. "Better," her eyebrows raised. "In fact, the issue we're running into now is that it runs [i]too[/i] well. We almost froze over the entire bay before we shut it off." [color=6ecff6]"Woo!"[/color] he slapped his desk in triumph. [color=6ecff6]"Working too well is better than not at all. Tora, you've made my day."[/color] "Yes, I think I will return to New York to work on the levels for now. I love my home, but I could use some warmth," she shivered, drawing her blue parka closer to herself. [color=6ecff6]"Great, can't wait to see you. I'll have everyone over my pool to celebrate your return to livable latitudes,"[/color] he responded, and instantly realized that was a highly, highly inappropriate offer. She was slightly taken aback, but didn't seem offended by the idea, "Oh. Well. That would be nice. I look forward to seeing you as well, Mr. Kord." [i][b]Mr. Kord[/b][/i]...[i]I am totally getting a sexual harassment suit[/i] [hr][right][b][sup]Garrett Household. Westchester. New York State.[/sup][/b][/right]"Ted, would you talk some sense into my son?" Joan Garrett asked as she served Kord a big plate of her brisket, Ted's absolute favorite. He wouldn't have missed this for the world. Growing up as the second Garrett son more or less, it was always his favorite. No one could make brisket as tender as Joan's. Still, he missed Dan every time he was here for dinner. It just wasn't the same without the family's patriarch. "Allison is just waiting for a ring and he keeps dragging his feet." Joan wasn't wrong on that end. Dave's girlfriend might have already killed him if she wasn't so patient. And it wasn't from a lack of Dave's desire to be with her, more his own ineptitude in reading social situations. If Ted constantly put his foot in his mouth when it came to talking to the opposite sex, Dave just missed every hint ever laid at his feet. After chewing and swallowing his first big bite, savoring every note of flavor he could, Ted laughed lightly, [color=6ecff6]"Joan, if he ever listened to anything I said you'd have a few grandkids by now."[/color] "Yea, but not any legitimate ones," Dave quipped, earning a light slap on the back of his head from his mother. "Hey, lighten up, Mom." [color=6ecff6]"She's not wrong, buddy,"[/color] Ted shrugged. [color=6ecff6]"It's time to settle down."[/color] His eyes narrowed at Kord, and with a point said, "I'll propose to Allison when you ask Tora out." Ted's eyes widened with horror as Joan turned her attention to him. Kord damned his friend's innate ability to turn any sticky situation he was in around on someone else. "Who is this Tora?" Mrs. Garrett's eyebrows perked up. He rubbed the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger, [color=6ecff6]"She's that environmental scientist and engineer working on our Arctic ice project. And if you really want to know, she's coming back to New York next week...and I may have invited her to the mansion pool because she mentioned how she wanted to get back to the warmth?"[/color] "Oh buddy you are so bad at this," Dave winced with sympathy. "Well, what did she say to that?" Joan attempted to be positive, but it was clear even she felt he probably made a mistake with that one. [color=6ecff6]"She...didn't seem offended? Seemed like she'd be for it? Crap, I have to have a company-wide pool party at my house, don't I?"[/color] Ted groaned. "Yes. Sounds like it, dude," Dan laughed through a bite of brisket.