[hr][hr] [color=silver][center][h1]~ M O T ~[/h1][/center][/color] [hr][hr] [color=silver] The Canaanite god of death stared at the body laid out before him intensely, his hands rock steady as he cleaned the pallid flesh in order to prepare it for the next step in the embalming process, when the sound of someone entering the room from somewhere off to his right gave him pause. [color=white]"I only work here,"[/color] he said dryly, his gazed still fixed upon the corpse. [color=white]"If there's a problem then my manager is the one you want to talk to."[/color] He inclines his head toward the door. [color=brown]"Oh believe me I would,"[/color] the figure replied, leaning on its cane. [color=brown]"If I weren't already here for you, that is."[/color] Mot turns, setting aside his tools as he does so, eyes narrowing into slits as the realization dawns. [color=white]"Ba'al... what do you want?"[/color] [color=brown]"You mean aside from ending this little "family reunion" as soon as deifically possibe?"[/color] He shifts his stance, putting even more weight on the cane he holds, his cocky expression quickly fading into one of reluctant defeat. [color=brown]"The others have called a Conclave. One I presume to be about the Colossus, or lack thereof,"[/color] he says, gesturing absentmindedly to their environs. [color=brown]"Figured I'd let you know while I was in the neighborhood, since you seem utterly incapable of checking your goddamn post office box."[/color] Mot lets out a small grumble, but otherwise ignores the remark, electing to put away his "work" for the time being instead. It took a good minute or so, but eventually the body was put on ice and his instruments neatly packed away in one of the many backrooms. [color=white]"So,"[/color] Mot began as he strode back out into the preparation area. [color=white]"Where's the meeting being held this time?"[/color] [color=brown]"That old university,"[/color] Ba'al replied. [color=brown]"Same one you used to drive by when you lived on that side of town."[/color] Mot nods as he slides on his coat and gloves, both designed to keep him warm against the ever cooling draft that had started settling in the region as it slowly ground its way out of fall and into winter. [color=white]"Alright, I'll follow you there. If only so I can narrow down the location of the Colossus itself."[/color] Mot trudged on ahead and out the door, leaving Ba'al to watch him as he went. [color=brown][i]"Looks like you're as focused on that as ever..."[/i][/color] Sighing, the lord of rain shook his head before hobbling off after him. ........................................................................................................................................................................ The drive to the location of the Conclave had been an uneventful one, albeit one that was blanketed by an almost palpable silence. Still, the pair had pulled into the university parking lot in due time, and with very little in-fighting to boot. Disembarking from their respective vehicles, the pair made their way into the building and towards the chamber of the meeting itself. Making their way into the rather uninteresting looking room, the deities took seats opposite each other, making the area all the colder because of it. [color=white]"Well,"[/color] Mot said, letting his gaze wander around the room before settling on Morrigan. [color=white]"You've got us here. Mind telling us what all of this is about?"[/color] [/color]