[center][img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcQaO-0wCRFo6TZ3PkE_oK57-DTOSYrhHoZYZw&usqp=CAU[/img] [h3][b]Book 1:[/b][/h3] [sup][h1][b]A V A T A R L O S T[/b][/h1][/sup][/center] In the times after Avatar Si Wong, there was an Avatar who never wanted to be. Once his true power was discovered his parents sold him to a Warlord half a world away, the Warlord eager to have the most powerful bender in the world on his side. One who could master all four elements, one who could summon unfathomable power in times of need. Yet no manner of abuse, no amount of pain or punishment can break the spirit of someone as pure as the Avatar, someone who was destined to do good not solely through one but multiple lifetimes. On the eve of his sixteenth birthday, the spirit of Si Wong appeared as a guide for the Young Avatar Gitso. Having no mastery of the elements, the only way for the Avatar to escape was through unlocking the power of the Avatar state, destroying the compound he was held in and fleeing. While the world as a whole never learned what happened to the Avatar rumors spread of the destruction of one of Warlord Tozs compounds within his lands. A being sold into slavery escaping using unfathomable power, this individual was never heard from again as Avatar Gitso fled towards the south and into the wastes of the South Pole. There he spent many his days in quiet isolation and meditation. Si Wong preached to him the duties of the Avatar, and how the dark spirit Hēi'àn sought to bring an end to humanity's ability to bend. Though Gitso wouldn't listen, he never asked to be the bridge between the spirit world and the physical world. He never asked to be the one to bring balance between the four elements. All he had wanted were parents that would love and nurture him, and the ability to chose his own destiny. Now as tensions rise again in the world, seventy years after the death of Avatar Si Wong. The question everyone wants the answer too is this: Where is the Avatar?