[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/KeAjc2u.png[/img][/center] [sup]Basic Bitch Beach House[/sup] Mariah nearly lept out of her skin when Isla teleported over. She had a hand on her chest as if to keep her heart from beating out of it as Isla spoke. A quick huff was let out by Mariah as Isla said-- [quote=Isla][color=f26522]“Nice to meet you! But yeah, maybe we should like... wait outside.”[/color][/quote] And of course, this cause Mariah to mumble in response, [color=#F3128D] "What. The fuck. Did you just say? Like-- can a bitch get some subtitles or...?"[/color] Now, Mariah had traveled and met a lot of people along the way, English was her primary language, and her mastery of Spanish had come naturally, but she had never in her life heard someone talk like [i]that[/i] before. So she was left just standing there, staring at Isla in confusion, before the others in the group started speaking. While yes, she did want to get the hell out of there, she did feel as if whatever was going on was worth knowing. Maybe. So she just shut up and listened. And by the end of it, Mariah was left feeling like she had just joined the world's worst Gang in a supernatural Gang War. Two bitches dead-- one of which was posessed-- and there was somebody in a Den? All of it jangled around in Mariah's head like the change in a cup she once shook but, this was only momentary, before she decided to just dump most of all into the 'What's that gotta go with me?' bucket internally. The only concerning thing was the apparent murderer. Okay. Annabelle. Right. That was a name Mariah knew she simply wasn't going to remember no matter how many times it was said and, as Claudette rattled off the list of the Coven's 'exploits,' Mariah couldn't help but snicker. [quote=Claudette]"So, thoughts? Questions? Concerns?"[/quote] Veeeery slowly Mariah went to raise her hand but then Grace and Quinn happened. [quote=Quinn][color=#FFD700]"And I would just like to say...My mind has been all over the place, so I suppose-[i]I will[/i] pay more attention now, no more spacing out or having my head up my own ass or pushing a gun to my head. I'll earn some respect before I die fighting, hopefully you'll give me that. Also yeah, cheesy speech. Sorry."[/color][/quote] [color=#F3128D]"Bitch, what? Wha-- you jus' gonna steamroll past the whole suicidal ideations thing like it ain't shit? That's how you do? Forreal?"[/color] Mariah made a face of profound confusion before waving a hand. [color=#F3128D]"Ay dios Mio-- whatevea--"[/color] as a formality she stuck her hand into the air as she asked [color=#F3128D]"--Yea, right, why don't yall just blackmail Blake into gettin' us one of them abandoned warehouses or some shit instead of us goin' to the Meth-head-serial-killer-y woods for practice? Just an idea. But whatever I'll go with yall-- oh and I'm Mariah, by the way."[/color] As if it were punctuation, Mariah snapped her fan open, then started fanning herself slightly.