It had taken days to accomplish, but the will of his lord and mission had spurred him on, till he arrived at the outskirts of a Toraan freehold at long last. A small, miserable place from what he had seen of it thus far, but one that he felt drawn to nonetheless. For what exactly he still couldn't say, only that it was something coiled deep within him, some unknown thing that had driven him away from the isolated solace of the wilderness and back into the crowded hustling of mankind. Striding up to the gates, he did his best to ignore the suspicious looks of the guards as he quietly passed on through. Making his way down the shoddily maintained streets, hardened by the passage of countless footfalls, Ibel eventually found himself standing before what appeared to be the local watering hole. Though you'd hardly know it were it not for the drunk patrons loitering about the exterior, it was [i]that[/i] rundown. Sighing, Ibel performed a quick check of his possessions, his eyes falling on the crude outlines of coins lying haphazardly within the confines of his pack. More than enough for him to stay here and reason out the elusive parameters of his mission, assuming their food and drink were not exorbitantly priced that is. Making his way inside, he shuffled his way into one of the quieter corners of the establishment, declaring what he wished to consume when one of the servers came by. Propping his chin on top of his hands, Ibel let his gaze wander around the place as he waited for his meal, coming to an abrupt halt as the stirrings of conflict began brewing on the opposite end of the room. It wasn't the implication of violence that gave him pause though, but the reaction he felt well up within him instead. An urge, for that was the best way to describe it, that pushed him to intervene. To step in and... And what? What was he, a lanky, feeble excuse of a man to do? [color=#737174][i]"Release them."[/i][/color] A voice settled within his head like a thick haze, yet still he knew. For it was the voice of his master. His lord. The voice, of Viris. "What would you have me do lord?" he muttered, watching as the spat slowly began to escalate. "I am but one man, and a weak one at that." There was a pause as the haze within his mind seemed to shake, almost as though it were correcting him. [color=#737174][i]"Oh, but you are so much more than that Ibel. For you are my instrument, and where you walk, my will follows. And that will, oh that will is powerful, for it is the will of a god. Now go forth and release them from the confines of their knowledge..."[/i][/color] Ibel took a breath and got to his feet, heart pounding as he made his way over to the two men, both of which were only one insult away from openly trading blows. Taking another breath as he gathered his courage, Ibel quickly interposed himself between the two, thinking to reason with them when the voice of his lord stopped him. [color=#737174][i]"No child, not with words..."[/i][/color] Suddenly, and somewhat against his will, Ibel found himself taking hold of each man's arm. An act that only served to increase his panic, when all thought was abruptly banished from his mind as a torrent of memories and the sensations that accompanied them came rushing in to take their place. And not just any memories either, but one's revealing the true cause of this current predicament. Memories of a lust filled affair, which clashed violently against musings of unbridled rage, a feeling that only grew stronger the longer he thought about it. Blinking, Ibel did his best to cope with the maelstrom of stolen conflict that was currently churning within his soul, his hands still resting on the tree trunk like arms of the two men as they continued their argument. "You had no right, you fucking cowar-" The man cuts off abruptly, face awash with confusion. "Wh... why am I shouting?" The other man scoffs as he prepares to retort, only to pause midway through, mouth opening and closing like that of a fish. "I..." he stutters. "I don't know. I feel like we were arguing about [i]something[/i], but by the gods I cannot recall what that might have been." Then, as if noticing him for the first time, the man turns his gaze towards the still struggling Ibel. "Hey, you alright lad?" "I... I'm fine," he says, finally bringing his internal conflict under control. "Just... just had too much to drink, that's all." Releasing his grip, he lets his arms fall to his sides as he stumbles back to his corner table, head pounding. Burying his face in his hands, Ibel pays no mind to the confused expressions of the two men as they return to their respective tables, nor the undercurrent of memory still coursing through his head. No, instead he focuses on one thing and one thing only... The voice of his master. [color=#737174][i]"I know the task was difficult child, but heed my words and trust me when I say that it is necessary, as are the trials that are yet to come. But take heart, and do not be afraid. For there cometh a day where I shall return and liberate you all..."[/i][/color] Ibel nods, his breathing shaky, but mind clear. For now he understood. Now he saw. [hider=Summary] Ibel makes his way into a Toraan freehold. Upon entering the local tavern, he finds himself contacted by Viris, who commands him to intervene in a conflict brewing nearby. An act that not only reveals the full extent of his gods power, but Ibel's role in receiving it as well. Doing so, Ibel is assaulted with the memories of both the men while he absorbs them into himself, struggling to avoid being overwhelmed. He is successful, and quietly shuffles back to his table.[/hider] [hider=MP/DP Summary] Start: 2 MP, 3 DP. End: 0 [i](none spent)[/i]. [/hider]