[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/442796000676151296/735359456258555975/vol1.png[/img] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/418451634885230593/732110599051411456/volana.png[/img][/center] [hr] "[color=aquamarine]I say it is good thing too, you have any idea how quickly I burn?[/color]" Her steel-grey eyes danced around the assembled collection of pilots for a moment, before settling back on the now self-identified Artemie Isra. The cytherean pilot gave a smile, before offering a short, "[color=aquamarine]Volana, Jacira. Though you may say Volana, if you would like.[/color]" Volana extracted what liquid she could out of the tightly packed bag of water that she had procured along with the now-finished rations. Hopefully they would have access to some real food once the colony ship was fully functional. For now, she was just happy to have something in her stomach, and more importantly, the taste of chemical out of her mouth. Volana rolled her wrist around, the left one, having properly attached the prosthetic in preparation for their assignment. There was a slight pang of disappointment as she stared at the metal and polymer appendage, after fifteen years of disuse she would've expected it to at least feel [i]kinda[/i] funny to use again.