The night would pass without much incident. You'd be able to take on your astral form but Buddy didn't have much to discuss, as he was reading the books. The most he had to say was that he wondered if perhaps he should find more books to read, as he didn't really find the nature books all too interesting. The Spice and Wolves book was interesting, almost nostalgic in a strange way. It made Buddy wonder if perhaps he's very old, or maybe he's actually very young. Either way morning would come and soon Pylia was up first, followed by Shortfang. Dinah and Syfr would also arrive after their late night escapades. And eventually you too would awaken freshen up. "Assuming we don't plan on doing anything too extreme today, I think I'd like to try and work on making some potions. I'm sure that we're going to need them soon, and while we do have some money, it's best if we use our time wisely and save the coin so I can craft the potions myself." Pylia started off the conversation at the table. Buddy and Shortfang brought in breakfast from the kitchen: omelettes on toast and boiled vegetables. Pylia also passed around the Good berries she had made this morning. "I already brought most of the raw material, so all I really need is time. With that being said, do you think you can keep yourself out of trouble long enough I won't have to worry about something like that?" Pylia asked you rather pointedly. Shortfang tried to defend you. "Ah boss not trouble maker! Boss good person, just help people, not look for fight. Pylia too worry, like a mama or something." Pylia looked at Shortfang with an embarrassed look. "I'm not trying to be anyone's mother! I'm just saying, we've been through a lot since we got to this town. I just figured it would be good if we could spend a day actually relaxing instead of jumping into some zany adventure for a bit."