Leyrn had no questions. Void Network. Blue Suns. Blood Pack. Omega. Seemed straight forward enough, at least as far as infiltration went. However, the turian felt uncomfortable with how the salarian described the Void Network, [i]“Void Network […] a coalition of mercenaries, pirates, smugglers, raiders, slavers, and, we suspect, a number of legitimate corporations and Terminus planetary governments, as well. […] Illegal technology, modified weapons… and Prothean artifacts.”[/i] [i]“An intergalactic crime syndicate?”[/i] She pondered. [i]“Interested in illegal technology, modified weapons, and Protheon artifacts?”[/i] The vanguard frowned. On one hand, alliances between governments and mercenary groups weren’t all that uncommon. In fact, these kinds of backroom dealings exited as long as governments have. On the other hand, however, alliances between corporations, governments, and mercenary groups who are all interested in illegal technology, modified weapons, and lost technologies sounded suspicious, to say the very least. Plus, considering this “Project Viper” was especially interested in the Void Network, who, as Aparakis also described, [i]“[…] must have had some help from inside C-Sec, or maybe even the Spectres […]”[/i], it all spelled out something legitimately troubling. While Leryn had no particular interest in bringing peace to the Terminus Systems or securing the Citadel’s dominance over the rest of the galaxy, she felt that a crime network this large with so many connections, especially connections within the Citadel, was, again, troublesome. “No questions.” She finally articulated. Mission now. Details later. In fact, she thought it was probably best to leave the details to these salarians. Let them spend their limited time figuring out the logistics and leave the dirty work to her and… “In fact, what can you guys do, apart from sabotaging a whole race?” The krogan spoke up, glaring at her. “I never got your name, turian, and I don’t want it. You stay out of my way, and we will get along fine.” Leryn hated krogans almost as much as she hated asari. Her eye twitched again, and she retorted. “What can I do? Do you know that plate on top of your head? My specialty is removing it with my bare hands and giving it to somebody as a trophy to whoever pays me enough.”