[center][img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.istockphoto.com%2Fphotos%2Fnew-york-city-manhattan-downtown-skyline-picture-id599100186%3Fk%3D6%26m%3D599100186%26s%3D612x612%26w%3D0%26h%3DJky0kLQ9lhOtPXCJ9GTAlp9LtBc5TAV5-IPaoZObXvA%3D&f=1&nofb=1[/img] [u][h1][color=yellow]Metatropolis[/color][/h1][/u][/center] The sun is shining, and it's lunch hour on a Wednesday. On a large screen, high above the bustling streets and sidewalks, a corporate advertisement is coming to it's conclusion, "- Meta-Life Laboratories; providing a [i]meta[/i] tomorrow, today!" In a seedier neighborhood, someone looks about conspicuously before stepping into an unmarked building with a large, red door... A large stadium is testing it's "jumbo-screen", with purple-pink streaks zipping across it, the after-images spelling out "DYNAMO! TONIGHT!!" Nobody notices a blue streak moving through the stadium, itself. The presses are running as fast as ever, over at the Trying Times, and throughout the city, if one keeps an eye out, they'll notice the odd individual scanning the horizon from a rooftop, and lurking down a shady alley. Just another day in a city that stands out in the world, for openly embracing it's Meta-Human citizens. That doesn't mean everything is all "sunshine and rainbows", though. In the business district, an armored car is driving along it's route, unaware of a larger, more heavily armored vehicle on bulldozer treads with a towing crane and a ramp across the front that is following it...