[@Ogobrogo] [center] [h3]Little did Kimiko realize, that wasn’t Mizo covered in water.[/h3] After attempting to slam one of them in the face and getting drenched, she silently stood upwards and slowly, quite dramatically, turned to face Kimiko. Right about now was when Mizo would say something like “It’s about to get really interesting.” Or “Buy me dinner first.” She would if she had a voice, which she didn’t. Knowing full well that Kimiko was now out of range of the trap, and ready to square off with Mizo for real this time. Hoseki just backed away, and tapped the ground with his foot, to let the Mizo underground know that things were shifting a little. [color=red]”This’ll be fun.[/color] Hoseki said, dripping with sarcasm. Seeing the samurai bitch pull out one of those katanas and pointing it at Kizo? Who the fuck knew what was gonna happen? Especially when that was just a clone. Normally, the Wind Style wouldn’t do much against Earth Style, but considering the fact that the Mizo which was now cracking its knuckles was made of mud and chakra, it was hard to say if any kind of Jutsu would work on Kiniko. And that’s assuming a mud clone could even preform Jutsu. Hoeski made a mental note of the flag being tied around her neck, maybe he could singe it a little...made it fall off easier. In any case, It wasn’t clear whether or not Mizo’s trap would work at this rate, if it did, great. If not, well, she could always blast out of the ground with all the energy she conserved through the battle and [i]really[/i] give Kimiko a run for her money. Thankfully, Hoseki’s bakt didn’t entirely give her position away, maybe Kimiko thought he was trying a new Jutsu himself, or maybe she really thought they were in kahoots. It didn’t matter now. Mizo’s clone was now staring down Kimiko, fists clenched behind her gauntlets. Looking the samurai bitch dead in the eyes, not a trace of fear or energy on her face. Was Kimiko expecting a reaction out of her rival? Hopefully not. The ensuing battle looked like it was taking hold of the game, fun. Kana was lucky, he didn’t have to stick around to see the absolute cat fight. [/center]