Vuthaternock tilts his head. [color=ed1c24]"Would you like some jerky? Ernestus, was it?[/color] He pulls out a small satchel and holds it out to him. [color=ed1c24]"I don't mind."[/color] He grins slightly, not showing his fangs, so it hopefully doesn't come off as a threat. [color=ed1c24]"How far away is this Timberholde as the crow flies? Or drake in my case."[/color] He takes a deep breath, holding back his magic before he does something the others would consider rash. [i]Best to not get on anyone's bad side. I'm likely the most powerful fighter here, but mage....I'm not sure. I've only met a few other mages after all, and I hate so called monster hunters. But a great deal of them are mages of some kind....[/i] [color=ed1c24]"Who here knows the land best, places to rest, places to avoid, that sort of thing?"[/color]