[center][h3]Tora & Poppi[/h3] Level 8 Tora (3/80) and Level 8 Poppi (12/70) [b]Location:[/b] Eryth Sea [b]Word Count:[/b] 1797[/center] While Tora and Poppi knew nothing of the three newcomers to make their way onto the newly-dubbed Reef of Heroes, some of the others apparently did, and it made for one heck of a hard-to-follow conversation. [i]Smash, fighting games, Smash Run, tournaments?[/i] The bird fellow certainly expected his new acquaintances to be familiar with the terminology. However, the bottom line seemed to be that these three and a bunch of others participated in some sort of fight club in the tower city across the sea. Since none of them featured the red eyes of those under Galeem's influence, it seemed to Tora like a whole slew of potential allies might be camping out just across the floating islands. With that many fighters on board, Tora thought, he might be able to kick back and relax for a while. A hero's journey made for a lot of hard work and painful bruises, after all. If not for his friends' healing, that stunt with the Ender Dragon could have gotten him killed. Letting someone else do the work sure sounded nice, but really, Tora knew he couldn't back down now. Not when he had the chance to be a hero for real. For now, he contented himself with a cleaning by Sectonia's henchmen. When he understood that they wanted to scrub and mend his outfit, Tora slipped out of his dingy, damaged clothes without the slightest hint of shame. His utterly casual treatment of nudity earned him a few looks, so Poppi prompted him to explain. “Oh, it normal for Nopon to not wear clothes,” he assured his friends. “They human invention, so Nopon just wear so fit in or be stylish. Or for function.” The bugs did not miss the opportunity to wash down Tora himself, and he gave no objection. After a short while he emerged freshly fluffed, spick and span, and thoroughly enjoying himself. “Ooh, that very nice, meh! Tora not have bath for so long since invent Poppi!” He soon received the bugs approval and his tidied-up garments, folded in a neat bundle. He then lounged in grass a moment, feeling satisfied, before putting them back on. Peach announced her plans to head for the tower, so Tora held off telling her his conclusions to instead cram his mouth full of hot dogs and enlist Poppi to help him climb a tree. Ovular of shape and without strength in his wings to speak of, he more or less sat while his partner dutifully pushed him up. Once as high as could be, he adopted an extravagant pose, leaning out from the trunk with one wing while the other shaded his eyes. “Land ho!” he called unnecessarily, appreciating the view now that he need not worry for his life. He rotated his grip, admiring the sunlit waters and lovely beaches. A hero he would remain, but a little vacation couldn't hurt, right? He pictured himself reclined in a beach chair, colorful drink in hand, Blazermate and Linkle fanning him with palm leaves. “Meeeh...” His reverie came to an end when he heard a noise that sent chills down his spine: the distant flapping of great wings. Fresh off a near-death experience with the loathsome Ender Dragon, he fell right out of the tree. “Meh meh meeeeh!” Rolling to stop by Peach and Fox, he bounced onto his nub legs. “Dragon! It dragon!” He scanned the sky frantically until he spotted a red beast cruising straight for the reef. “There!” The heroes collectively bristled. Falco immediately palmed his blaster, but he also engaged his visualizer. The device zoomed in on the incoming dragon, revealing a couple passengers. [color=58acfa]“Hey, wait a sec. It's carryin' someone. And someone's ridin' it?”[/color] “What do they look like?” Peach asked, her hand on her scatterboom. Falco took another look. [color=58acfa]“Uh, a sailor with brown hair...no pants...and this blond dude with a red jacket.”[/color] Poppi squinted, engaging her own optics. “It Euden!” she observed. “Dragon must be friend! Everyone put down weapons!” A few moments later, the dragon touched down. Euden waved, greeting everyone, but he got outshone by a country mile as Sakura took the stage. Once she thanked Mym and received a welcoming nod in return, the girl gave an energetic bow and introduced herself with aplomb. Tora smiled from ear to ear when she struck a pose, getting a pretty good idea of her personality after just a couple seconds. Straightforward, amicable, and earnest enough to be just a little goofy, she seemed the perfect friend. Plus, she had the sporty tomboy appeal on lock. What wasn't to like? He flapped his wings, drawing her attention for a moment. Though large for a Nopon, the furry, egg-shaped,denim-clad hamsteroid stood at only about four feet high. That meant he looked up to Sakura with big, dark eyes, glittering with excitement. “Hi hi, meh!” he called. “Am Tora, and this Poppi! Happy to make acquaintance!” He jumped in surprise as the dragon disappeared in a whirl of fire, but when it gave way he nearly forgot all about Sakura. Tora watched, eyes wide and mouth agape, as a stunning woman emerged from the flame. Even with horns and a giant red tail, [url=https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/9f8788ae-e8f6-426d-bd6f-3ba0da520d49/dd4iq1t-f4971df3-0098-41cf-9751-a14bab91ac49.png/v1/fill/w_1039,h_769,strp/mym_by_pinklefairy_dd4iq1t-pre.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD0xMTg0IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvOWY4Nzg4YWUtZThmNi00MjZkLWJkNmYtM2JhMGRhNTIwZDQ5XC9kZDRpcTF0LWY0OTcxZGYzLTAwOTgtNDFjZi05NzUxLWExNGJhYjkxYWM0OS5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTYwMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.0D1ILAErF8vRunllYU1hDCW0RsSInga7sQOnhLVKGVc]she[/url] was the very image of regal beauty. Poppi poked the side of his head and watched, eyes half-lidded, as he tilted over. “It would be good if masterpon did not fall to pieces at sight of every pretty face that come way,” she whispered indignantly. Mym, however, just laughed. “Aww, what's the matter, little one? Never seen a dragon before?” A brief moment passed in which all could savor the severity of her incorrectness. She put a hand above her chest. “My name is Brunhilda, but you all can call me Mym. You're friends of my darling, mm? That makes you friends of mine!” “Wonderful.” Peach stepped forward, waving for attention. Geralt spoke up to succinctly relay the power dynamic at play here to the new arrivals, aptly describing the roles of both the princess and Bowser. “Thank you, Geralt,” she said before she addressed Sakura. “You can join us if you like. I'll assume Euden gave you some idea of what's going on. If you've got any more questions, save them until after my big explanation.” She realized that she sounded a lot less friendly than she meant. “Um, please. And...it's nice to meet you.” Though happy to see Linkle again, Euden found himself at a loss for words when she asked about Link. “Uh...” He clenched his teeth, mortified. “We must have left him behind. We met Mym all of a sudden, and then took off immediately. How foolish...” Looking her in the face, he apologized profusely. “I'm terribly sorry. I should go back to find him.” “Another trip, dear?” Mym held a hand to her head, appalled. “But I've already been flying so hard! It takes a lot out of a girl to fly that fast for that long!” Peach interjected. “Hold it, you guys. You too, Courier. If this place is open to us, and it seems like it is, we can put down another base. Bowser's kid and his wizard can set up another fast-travel trick, or maybe Blazermate a teleporter. No need to fly all that way if you can just warp there.” It wasn't long before the convoy got underway. Falco was only too happy to assume the role of leading the procession of heroes through teleporters and across various reefs, growing ever closer to the tower. Along the way they passed by some wildlife, including [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/xenoblade/images/6/69/Cruz_Pagul.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120825231052]Cruz Paguls[/url], [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/xenoblade/images/c/c7/Agile_Albatro_%28Ansel%29.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20121104212728]Eryth Ansels[/url], and [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/xenoblade/images/5/50/Makna_Eluca.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20111024090501]Perna Elucas[/url], but even those that might have been aggressive did not dare attack such a large group. Considering the distance crossed, it took very little time to reach the [url=https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/877496267597239956/16C7D1E622A411D77625405ACC8AC68CB4DFD5D6/]structure.[/url] From a lower altitude, it was easier to see the many circular structures that branched out from beneath the tower like shelf fungus. Falco blazed a trail to the centre gate and finally the main entrance. He spun around as Jigglypuff and Ness entered on either side of him, and spread his wings wide in theatrical fashion. [color=58acfa]“Awwwwlrgihty then, ladies and gents, here we are. Welcome...to Smash City Alcamoth!”[/color] Stepping into the [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/xenoblade/images/c/c5/Alcamoth.png/revision/latest?cb=20110926180114]atrium[/url] was like stepping into a movie set. The biggest interior space seen by any hero in the World of Light so far, it featured impressive ornate decorations, well-kept lawns, flowers, and trees, all temperature-controlled. Falco sauntered down the main walkway toward a reception desk situated halfway to the center of the semicircular chamber. Behind the desk sat a little [url=https://www.ssbwiki.com/images/thumb/2/2b/Isabelle_SSBU.png/240px-Isabelle_SSBU.png]yellow dog[/url] with a computer and a pile of paperwork. She looked up when the pilot approached and greeted him with a smile and a bubbly voice. “Oh, hi Falco, Ness, JigglyWHOA!” Her ears flew upward in surprise as she spotted the crowd of heroes. “Who're you guys?! Wait! I know you!” She directed a nub-hand at Fox. “And you two!” She gestured at Bowser and his son. “And...!” Her paw ended up pointing at Peach. “You too, I think?” The princess looked a little mortified. This was just going to keep happening, it seemed. “Hello, Isabelle. It's me, Peach.” The dog plopped back in her chair. “Ah, Peach, so you are! I'll be darned, I thought I recognized you. Love the new look! So, uh.” She straightened her papers and put her paws together officiously. “How can I help you?” [color=58acfa]“We oughta call a meeting,”[/color] Falco suggested, leaning against the reception desk. [color=58acfa]“They've got big news about the state of the world and all. We need to get everyone together.”[/color] Isabelle's eyebrows scrunched together. “A big meeting? On short notice? Oh dear! But the boss...” “Aw, he can stuff it. This is for real,” Falco insisted crassly. Though affronted by the suggestion, the dog got the point. “Well, I'll have to make some calls. Excuse me!” She pulled out her phone and started jabbing away at it, working hard to dial numbers using her indelicate paws. Meanwhile, the newcomers were attracting attention. There weren't a lot of people doing whatever in the atrium at the moment, but all the eyes there were lay on Bowser's 'army.' Three such people had already begun to drift over. One, a [url=https://www.ssbwiki.com/images/thumb/c/c8/Zelda_SSBU.png/1200px-Zelda_SSBU.png]girl[/url] in white and pink, approached from the direction behind Isabelle, and the other, a [url=https://www.ssbwiki.com/images/thumb/1/12/Ice_Climbers_SSBU.png/1200px-Ice_Climbers_SSBU.png]pair of kids[/url] in parkas sharing ice cream together on a nearby bench, got up to come say hello. The [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/46/Waluigi.png]last[/url], a beanpole of a man in purple overalls and a matching hat, stood at a distance, his manner goonish and his face distrustful. It was the lady who spoke first, waving with her whole arm. “Greetings.” Her voice was melodic, sweeter than an instrument. “I bid you welcome to Alcamoth. I am called Zelda.” [center][h3]Dead Zone[/h3] [@EvilEdd1984][/center] After making clear his intentions, the Doom Slayer left the others at high speed, throwing himself down into the collapsed area with gusto to air his grievances with the demons in person. Nero pressed his lips together, nodding. “You know, I should have guessed.” Nadia stepped up to the edge and peered down at the fight. Already the furious report of the Slayer's shotgun split the air, piercing the flesh of demon after demon. He moved like a killing machine, never standing still as he zeroed in on his targets, always jumping, strafing, or swinging off the environment. The efficiency with which he cycled through his equipment, never letting a particular feature stay off cooldown for more than a moment, impressed her. “We going?” she asked, glancing at Nero. He found himself also under the scrutiny of Pandemonica and Nico. Recognizing that he was being seen as the de facto leader, and probably not for the first time, he told them, “We don't have time to waste picking out every mess we come across. It's all going sooner or later, after all.” “Fella must really hate them demons,” Nico observed, watching him go. The clawed demons in his path lunged when he drew near, their talons extended, but unless they got him from behind the Slayer stopped them dead. Even those that did come at him from a blind spot only managed to damage his armor. A warlord demon came at him with a heavy blade, but the Slayer kept his distance, blasting him again and again from afar, until the time came to move in for the kill. “Reckon we could bend 'is ear 'til the sun comes up and 'e still wouldn't give it up.” Very unsurprisingly, Pandemonica looked tired. “...Does that mean you intend to move on? If waiting until your madman finishes was on the table, it would have been prudent to join his rampage after all.” Nero considered his options. “We could use this chance to stock up. If we find anything that looks useful, Nico can whip up some new gear.” He glanced at his friend for confirmation. “You can, can't you?” “Long as yew got the cash, I can do most anythin',” she assured him. Nero approached the edge himself, looking down across the battlefield. The Slayer happened to be facing a [url=https://cdn.wikimg.net/en/strategywiki/images/6/6c/GnG_Enemy_Cyclops.gif]unicorn[/url], but behind him the ashes and spirits of his former opponents lay scattered among red orbs of crystallized demon blood. “Yeah, well, if it's demons we're fighting and not damn zombies, we'll get plenty of cash. Spirits too. Should work well enough for ya.” He jumped down and started collecting the stuff, which vacuumed toward him when he drew near. At the moment, Nadia seemed more interested in Nico. “So you're a purr-etty awesome driver [i]and[/i] a demon weaponsmith?” Grinning, Nico crossed her arms. “You bet! My grandmother was called the '.45 Caliber Virtuoso... a legendary gunsmith. I hope to be like her someday. An artist, and a lethal artisan.“ “Well, aren't you just the cat's meow?” the feral joked. “How long 'til you make me something cool?” Nico glanced at her van. “Normally it'd take a li'l bit, but in this world you can make stuff jus' by smashin' these spirit things. Nero told me all about it. Apparently some of the guys he fought 'longside earlier even ate 'em and got their powers.” Nadia looked dumbfounded. “Wait, it's that easy? So, you're pretty much outta a job, right?” “Nuh-uh. There's a science to it. Just crush 'em willy-nilly and you can get all kinds of random crap. Takes a certain touch to pull somethin' good.” Off to the side, Pandemonica had been watching the carnage, only looking up when Griffon returned to exchange a few words with V before both headed off toward the unknown fighter. When she heard Nico's explanation, Pandemonica pulled out the spirit of King Minos and stared at it. “Just a moment. You're suggesting that these can strengthen those who consume them?” Nico looked over, interested. “Mhm. Gonna try it?” Pandemonica considered it for a moment, then casually tossed the spirit toward the gunsmith. “Certainly not. That so-called king boasted no abilities I'd call special. Lesser demons already heed me, after all.” After Nico caught it, Nadia was quick to capitalize. “Hey, let's try it smithing it then. I've got just my nails, teeth, and tail after all. If I'm gonna keep pulling my weight out here, this cat's gonna need sharper claws.“ Meanwhile in the pit things were heating up. After the Slayer destroyed the unicorn and recovered a red key from his body, two larger demons appeared to steal the show. The [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/houseofthedead/images/3/3f/Hierophant.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20081230141328]Hierophant[/url] sprang from a ruptured sewer line, wielding a trident and possessing enough speed and strength to offer the Slayer some challenge. Its body shrugged off his shots, but its ribcage opened and closed continuously, providing brief windows of visibility for a bright red heart. A lithe [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/ritualofthenight/images/d/d7/Bathin.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20190623114738]demon[/url] with a purple mask, emerald-green wings, and snake tail burst out of a nearby building, moving like a hurricane. Nero put a final round through the neck of the [url=https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fbayonetta.fandom.com%2Fwiki%2FHatred&psig=AOvVaw0BWvnOXBYs6pcYR9deEVQr&ust=1596153702019000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCMDvhdTw8-oCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD]Hatred[/url] he'd caught hold of and moved to intercept, Blue Roe at the ready. The masked demon sneered. “Nyaagh! Think you can step to me, huh? I move so fast...” He held out his hand, and from his palm shot a ray of green light. Nero stepped aside and the ray shot path him, hitting part of the scenery and reflecting. In a matter of moments a web of green lines crossed the battlefield, and Bathin zipped through the ray, bouncing all across the arena as a ray of light. He struck Nero twice before sliding to a stop. “You won't even see me!” Nico disappeared into the van, leaving Nadia to look down at the scene for a moment before she followed suit. “Nyah, those guys can handle it.”