Amal's stomach rumbled loudly just as she mentioned the food. Being hungry was almost second nature to him by now, but eating was a far better experience to being without. He held her and kissed her, and smiled slyly. "You know how much I like danger, but I feel as if we deserve a small break." The scent of the food wafted into his nose and the two of them were inexorably drawn to the steaming stews, both helping themselves to the bowls. Even the bread was as a delicacy to Amal. He took the last bit of stew and dipped the bowl back to finish it, almost collapsing into Emmaline, both sitting on the cushions they had stripped and placed on the floor as if they were back in Araby. Amal chuckled guiltily. "Sorry Emm," and places the bowl down to slide it across the floor to the edge of the room. The fire was hot on their skin and the night was still relatively young, though most would be asleep by now. The agile thief slid his foot out to tug the loop of their pack towards him. Once he had ahold of it, he opened it up to fish for what they had collected. Of course most of their treasure was lost, but they had managed to keep a bit of everything they had gained on their adventures. "Let's take stock, shall we?" He said to her, winking. The smoothness of his voice was lost in his broken reikspeil, but he tried. "We can't really sell these to the villagers, but once we're in your country we'll be living well I think." Rummaging through the pack, he pulls out a golden saurus, a large sack of gold coins, a sphynx of bronze with two ruby eyes, the three golden torques they had taken from the Lizardmen, the gilded ornamental jeweled dagger, and a large diamond the size of Emmaline's fist. "I'd um...I'd forgotten we still had so much." Emmaline remarked, biting her lip. "There is nothing more ravishing than gold, but I think the diamond is my favorite." Amal declared, and presented it to Emmaline to show her reflection in the large jewel. Past it she would see Amal grinning devilishly.