If we're talking about my RL best friend, he and I met when I moved from Florida to Alabama in the 4th grade. A lot of people don't realize but it was a huge cultural shock to me. Back in Jakcksonville, I was at a very diverse school. I'd say a 1/3 were white kids, 1/3 were black kids, and 1/3 were latin american. When I moved "north" I was the darkest kid in the school except for the 1 black student. I was weirded out, and I was new as well. It was a much higher-end school than the one I left, and my best friend (and current roommate) actually walked up to me and asked if I wanted to be his friend. He and I hung out from then on and that was almost 20 years ago. Of course our group grew. I have 3 best friends at the moment, all from the same school and they all know and call each other friend too. But my first and probably best best friend is the one I'm currently living with and the one I met first. We bonded mostly over movies and video games, and we have a similar sense of humor.