[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/sjpVOIa.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/PJoe9Sw.png[/img][/center] [hr] [color=FireBrick]“Capture the flag?”[/color] Maya’s mouth fell open in shock when Claudette arrive carrying some kind of stupid looking flag. [color=FireBrick]“Your idea is capture the fucking flag?” [/color] She shook her head as Emily, so typically, grabbed it with some new dazzling (lame) powers and acted as if she’d already won the dumb game they were going to play. She was so tempted to grab it right off her… but she resisted, because it was better to save her energy for the actual thing. She may not be too fond of the idea but whatever, she’d give it her all (to beat some people into the dirt). [color=f26522]“I think it sounds fun!”[/color] Isla piped up with a wide grin, stuffing her hands into her pockets. [quote=Claudette]"You know what, just be gentle as possible. I'm going to let you all decide." [/quote] [color=FireBrick]“Whoa,” [/color]Maya put her hands up, eyes narrowing slightly as Claudette rattled off a list of rules. [color=FireBrick]“I get not harming each other [i]too[/i] much but that seems pretty one sided against those of us that have abstractions that mostly do damage… whatever I’ll try not to hurt anyone” [/color] [color=FireBrick]“Well, I’m going on the team that Emily’s [i]not[/i] on,”[/color] she said as she noted that Herik was already rounding up a little band. She stepped to the side opposite where he was. She then pointed to Herik, Emily, Vashti and Mariah. [color=FireBrick]“They’ve already got four…”[/color] she quickly counted their numbers. [color=FireBrick]“We got enough for six people per team, so I need five more.”[/color] For someone who’d seemed so against the idea at first, she sure was into it… probably because she had a competitive streak and was absolutely looking forward to smashing Emily’s face into the dirt. Isla had blinked over towards Herik as soon as he said her name, grinning widely. [color=f26522]“I can’t actually get it and come back right away… I can mostly just short distance teleport, so it won’t be that easy.”[/color] She shrugged. [color=f26522]“If that’s alright I’m happy to join!”[/color] [quote=Mariah]"--I'm on your team, sis!" [/quote] [color=f26522]“Well, I guess that settles it,”[/color] Isla nodded to Mariah, before remembering she struggled with her accent and forcing herself to talk a bit slower along with toning down her accent (which was less successful). [color=f26522]“Good to be on your team!”[/color] She grinned wider. [color=f26522]“I can short distance teleport an awful lot, but longer distance is more of a problem for me… so I won’t be able to just win the game for use! No need to worry about there being no training because of that.” [/color]