A series of gasps. And a few people stepping back and away. One young man reaching for a gun on his hip warily. This is what herald's Mistihkoman's arrival at the train station. Unlike last night where he only had his tomahawk and knife. Now he sports all his gear, his bed roll, and blanket tied over one shoulder, rolled up together, a shoulder bag with what looks like some dried meat and water bag as well as other little things. And at his shoulders are his other weapons, the big heavy rifle, a breech loading thing, old by now, the thing used years ago now to hunt buffalo. Next to that slung across his back with the bow string ove rhis chest is his bow, with feathers at the top and bottom connections, and his quiver of arrows across his back, an old and venerable type of weapon. And lastly swinging at his hip is that heavy rifle butt club. The spiked blade at the angled section a dark blued iron. The thing is a great bludgeon, dangerous just in it's looks. This gives the people on the station deck something to look at. Mistihkoman gives Dan a nod in greeting as the native man pulls himself up onto the train, "This is the right place yes? The trip to Odessa? Is the package already on board?" He looked into the passenger car in time to see the young boy training a toy gun on Sergio. Mistihkoman nods, "I think I'm in the right place." He nods sagely then proceeds to find himself a place to sit, putting his baggage up on the racks over the seats then sitting in the seat behind Sergio's place.