[b][right]Monastery // Si Wong City[/right][/b] Leather Sandals scuffing on the cold stone floors, the sound echoing through the corridor of the monastery. Xonsu walked with purpose, his robes flowing and billowing as he moved as fast as possible without breaking into a run. He had to remain dignified, the middle-aged monk bowed his head in respect as he passed acolytes and nomads. He passed a window, the sounds of the city assaulted his senses as did the heat of the desert. There was a strange energy int he air, it had been building for months now. Looking down into the courtyard he saw several of the local children playing on his Skybison [i]Peng[/i]. Climbing up and down, the Bison groaned playfully as it blew little tufts of air at them. There was something so innocent about the mind of a child, a far cry from the different world he was responsible for now. As the Lead Monk behind the Monastery in Si Wong he was also the Air Nomad representative on the ruling council that governed the city. Xonsu reached the end of the hallway where a large [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/avatar/images/8/8c/Air_temple_sanctuary_door.png/revision/latest?cb=20130917221903]Wooden Door[/url] stood. Pulling his hands close to his face he took a deep breath in, letting the air fill up his lungs. As he pushed his hands out before him the air bent with it. The air coursed into the door, going through the vents and the tubes. A musical note resonated throughout the hall, the note changing as the air progressed. Parts of the doors spinning to push the air back out towards Xonsu pushing the door open in the process. Walking in, the room was simple. A table in the middle that held a map of the city and the surrounding area. [url=https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcRHk73S01YE5XUNcwmQVfKkY3wdkgi9x5wVvw&usqp=CAU]Sila[/url] bowed her head in deference to him as he flashed her a smile. The smile didn’t last long as he saw the look on her face as he handed him a letter. Opening the letter Xonsu made sure to take his time processing every little detail when he finished the letter he handed it back to the nun. Bowing his head slightly in gratitude he weighed his words before speaking. “So what this means is that-” The nun nodded her head. “Warlord Toz is coming to Si Wong. Apparently he wishes to broker some form of alliance with the city, and the Earth Kingdom.” She looked at the note and cleared her throat, directly quoting the letter. “In order to help bring peace and stability to the FIre Islands under his rightful rule.” She shook his head. “Councillor Metsong believes he’s coming to look for the Avatar.” Xonsu tried to contain his surprise. “The Avatar? Si Wong city hasn’t seen an Avatar since, well. Si Wong, the last rumor I heard about the Avatar was on the edges of the Earth Kingdom. No matter, there isn’t an Avatar here and there hasn’t been since Si Wong herself.” Xonsu sighed, taking a deep breath to compose himself. “The Air Nomads have long had ties with the Avatar, we should ready the temple for his visit, it will come.”