Arken bit his lower lip as the pain slowly subsided. Maybe it was just the natural endorphins his body was producing, or maybe it was just him, getting used to the sting from the raw wound on his wrist. In any case, there he sat, just glancing around at his fellow recruits, most of which are going through what he just went through. Just what was that? What was that rush of power... What was that sensation? He felt like...well, he felt like he has never felt before. And what was that emptiness? What was in it? Who was there? What was he meant to see? So many questions, and no answers to be found... Back to the situation at hand. He was still bleeding, albeit less so, when Hana approached him. She obviously saw his wound and proceeded to heal him. The contact, however professional and brief, made Arken feel...warm and fuzzy. All of their interactions previously, however momentary, flashed in his mind like shadow puppetry. All of the previous coven meetings that they were both present for, the party, if you can call it that, before the ritual, the ceremony, now. All of it. “I. I..uh. Thank you, Hana...” He said softly. He was blushing, if she cared to look at him. His voice was soft, if she could hear him. He was not his usual self, if she had the mind to look at him. Shaking his head ever so slightly, he clambered to his feet and shifted over towards Summer, kneeling down besides her. Smoothly, even casually, he placed a hand on the small of Summer’s back, and whispered to her “Didn’t think you’d fall this easily, Abernathy...” He said, with his trademark smirk plastered all over his face. [@Akayaofthemoon] [@Danvers]