Totsurugi's attention was pulled by a notification by the system, an alert from outside the virtual reality of a message being passed through. They opened up the system menu, causing a small icon to appear over their head that they were out of the app at the moment, returning a few seconds later once the conversation had finished, both Totsu's and Beardo's as it happened. She let out a short sigh and breathed in before speaking up [color=45bd2a]"Sorry, real life intruding. I should still be good to go until dinnertime, a few more hours at worst."[/color] the bunny maid put down their food just as she had finished her sentence before walking away, looking half exhausted. Picking up the sandwich and biting into it, looking visibly surprised by the flavors, having a sense of familiarity of it, almost like she could recognize parts of the flavors that mad it but couldn't pinpoint it; like if someone had split complex flavors into it's parts and recombined it in a combination that didn't exist in the real world, at least not in Totsu's albeit limited gastronomical experiences. The tea tasted just as wonderful, surprising Totsu yet again that not only could complex flavors exist in this virtual world but also did other experiences, like recreating the feeling of hots drinks, there were a few irregularities however, like she couldn't feel anything if it wasn't touching her tongue, the drink felt like nothing if against her cheeks or going down her throat, as if it only existed while on her tongue. With a few tweaks she could see how someone could live entirely within the game, given that their bodily needs would be taken care of outside of it. [hr] After finishing her meal Totsu leaned back with a content smile, nodding her head in agreement with her bearded friend, [color=45bd2a]"No argument there... I might become addicted to this place for the food alone"[/color] she chuckled a bit and leaned back in her seat, listening to Beardo speak up with his explanation. She nodded her head and stood up, getting her staff back out as soon as they left the establishment. Walking down the streets into what she gathered was more the slums, the poorer or less wanted populace making their home here away from the places regularly patrolled by the city guards. Their walk ended with them stopping in front of a run down tavern that seemed rather popular nonetheless judging by the noise coming from inside it. Stopping in front of it she fumbled through her menus until she found the quest menu, going through the sections before she arrived at the 'Kingdom Quests' and found the correct one. The quest icon looked rather fancy, like a poster that would be nailed to a notice board in medieval times with various notices, classified, official information, warning or requests. Reading through it carefully she scrolled down and hit 'Accept' seeing a "[color=gold]QUEST ACCEPTED[/color]" stay on her screen for a few seconds, seeing the quest name on the side of her HUD, listing it's name and first step but no indicator or guide arrow to speak of. [color=45bd2a]"Alright, got it"[/color] She responded when Beardo explained why they started here and not where the first step of her quest told her to go. [color=45bd2a]"Oh, i can go first. Don't want to hide behind you too much"[/color] she smiled, walking inside the bar and taking a good look around, just as her hunch had told her, the people around here looked like they would not not to be approached by guards. A lot of hidden faces, some people with tattoos which looked like crests or symbols, some even sharing the same ones. A lot of people who looked liked 'Night Workers' who took coin for services which the morally self-righteous would oppose to. The main bar had some people sitting around it, some empty tankards and flagons sitting around with dirty plates that hadn't been cleaned yet, some having various meal scraps. Totsu walked towards the bartender, seeing a flagon in front of her that had been left practically full with a clear liquid with no one around. She looked towards the barkeeper after looking at her companion, following his instruction and asking him for the stew. She looked down at the flagon and dipped her finger into it, "[color=gray][Probe][/color]" she spoke, a faint flash of light coming from her finger, causing Totsu to chuckle a bit, [color=45bd2a]"Of course... Hey, Did you know that..."[/color] she said to Beardo before she heard someone fall down on the floor with the man bellowing out and the instruction popping into her mind. [color=45bd2a]"Well, time to see if this works...."[/color] she said quietly, taking a deep breath and taking the tankard with her. She lifted her staff up, walking towards the main and holding it about two feet in front of her, Energy started to collect at it's tip, forming a sphere of magic at it's tip, the effect of "Holding" the [color=gray][Adaptive Bolt][/color] spell without firing it. [color=45bd2a]"If you have a problem with this man, I suggest you take it outside"[/color] she said, her voice sounding a tad bit deeper and as serious as she could muster. She lifted the tankard in on hand, spilling it onto her hand where it disappeared in a faint light, a red trail moving through her right hand, through her chest and towards her left where she held her staff. Suddenly the ball of energy pulsed and caught onto fire, the blaze rising above it, giving off a fair bit of heat. Not surprisingly, the drink she had absorbed was not water; Down here in the slums it was the cheapest thing one could buy, practically pure alcohol fit for use as fuel.