[b]Master Chef[/b] ~[@Restalaan] (YNG), [@13org] (ADA), [@Rezod92]~ "[color=navajowhite]Hey! No tasting until the contest's done![/color]" Nero angrily called out from his station. "[color=navajowhite]Hahaha! I'm just messing with you. But seriously though, let's not be unfair to the rest of the audience and let's try all of these at the same time. Alright?[/color]" A few moments later, the time was up. The dishes prepared by the contestants was laid out across a long table atop a white cloth. The host said that it was up to the audience who will decide who the winner was. What followed was a small feast of everyone tasting a serving from each of the dishes. The contestants were allowed to taste too as well. "[color=navajowhite]I heard you call these 'noodles', blondie.[/color]" Nero took a serving of [u]Yang's[/u] ramen. "[color=navajowhite]And they taste hella good. I'm definitely voting for you if I could. Hahaha![/color]" Once everyone has had a sample from each of the dishes, the voting commenced. While everyone remarked that all of the dishes were amazing, they almost unanimously decided that it was [u]Yang's[/u] dish that was the tastiest. A cheer was made for the monk's victory and no one contested the decision. Except one. "[color=seagreen]You cheated, you monk![/color]" The Ushi-Oni exclaimed. "[color=seagreen]You won because no one here has tried ramen before! They liked your dish because it was new and exotic![/color]" She accused. "[color=navajowhite]Your dish's pretty exotic too, you know? What's sushi anyway?[/color]" Nero interjected. "[color=seagreen]Yeah, well, hers is exotic-er.[/color]" The Ushi-Oni retorted. "[color=seagreen]Regardless, she has cheated and I will bring her to justice![/color]" She declared before leaping high into the air and landing in front of [u]Yang[/u]. The ferocious Ushi-Oni was ready to tear the blonde monk to pieces. Or probably just beat her up silly. Regardless, [u]Yang[/u] had a duel in her hands. [hr] [b]A Test Of Strength[/b] ~[@Restalaan] (DIT)~ [quote=Ditzy Stoneclub]"Ian came for job before, tell Ditzy who's the member of guild!"[/quote] "[color=fff79a]What guild?[/color]" The host Ian replied. Something that he instantly regretted when the newcomer Ian as well as everyone else looked at him for that remark. The jig was up but you had the host Ian in your firm grip. But he had a trick up his sleeve, the host Ian drew a small wood ball with his free hand. He then hurled it to the ground which blew up into a thick, concealing smoke. The sudden explosion released your hold on the fake Ian and he was able to get away. "[color=fff79a]Ha! You'll never catch me, you little weirdo Hobgoblin! Not when I shift into maximum overdrive![/color]" You see the figure of the false Ian dart further into the artificial fog and out of your sight. He has escaped. Yet when the smoke cleared, a fortunate sight was before you. You saw the Minotaur and the Jinko both holding fake Ian, grabbing him by his limbs. Now he truly has no chance of escape. "[color=chocolate]Hey, Hobgoblin! You're the one that blew the lid off this guy.[/color]" The Minotaur said. "[color=chocolate]I think you should be the one that decides what to do with him.[/color]" "[color=fff79a]Come on, guys! It was just a fun little joke! I totally wasn't going to start charging people to prove their strength and exploit their prides.[/color]" The false Ian tried to weasel his way out. [hr] [b]Bullesye[/b] ~[@13org] (FYR)~ [quote=Freyr][color=8dc73f]"Maybe we should try increasing the difficulty a little?"[/color][/quote] "[color=steelblue]Well, obviously. I'm asking if you know a way to make to make it difficult.[/color]" Sir Reed replied. A bit disappointed at your answer. "[color=steelblue]I think they were talking about having moving targets. What do you think about that? Although, I'm not sure how they will manage that.[/color]" [quote=Freyr][color=8dc73f]"And regarding Haley... Well... She did came here to watch me and I don't think she was expecting the archery competition to take this long so she might be a bit bored... If you could call her for me, I would be grateful. Tell her that she doesn't need to stay here if she doesn't want to..."[/color][/quote] "[color=steelblue]You can shoot at targets leagues away but you cannot see the feelings inside the heart of a fair maiden? Hahaha![/color]" Sir Reed teased you once again. "[color=steelblue]Did she not say she was not here for the competition but for you? Or are you suggesting that was but a teasing lie? Nothing but natural tendencies for monsters to flirt?[/color]" "[color=steelblue]But seriously and out of genuine curiosity, is there something actually between the two of you?[/color]" Sir Reed asked. "[color=steelblue]As you know, I'm new so I may be seeing things that aren't actually there or more complicated than it appears. Erm, you don't have to answer if you don't want to. I respect privacy.[/color]" [hr] [b]Quiz Bee[/b] ~[@ShwiggityShwah]~ [quote=Ozzy Skyway][color=gold]"How about you Miss Kikimora?"[/color][/quote] "[color=peru]Oh, I'm definitely fine with that. Although, I'm not sure if I could fully appreciate having a male monster for an entire day. I suppose I'll just make do with an innocent date. We also get the money from the other contestants, right?[/color]" The Kikimora replied. "[color=mediumpurple]It's settled then! Let the contest begin![/color]" Riñas declared, ignoring the bird-maid monster. The contestants got to their positions and the small audience took to their seats. At least it has increased a little. Riñas had a wood cone to amplify her voice. She stood beside the main stage with a chair stool and a small pail containing pieces of paper sitting on it. "[color=mediumpurple]I will be pulling questions from this little ol' bucket. The contestant who raises his or her hand first and answers the question correctly wins one point! Whoever has the most points after ten questions wins this contest![/color]" The audience replied with an applause and Riñas pulled out the first question. "[color=mediumpurple]Get ready, contestants! The first question is: Do monsters produce Spirit Energy?[/color]" The answer was easy and obvious to those knowledgeable in the nature of the world. The Owl Mage was the quickest to raise her arm, but hesitated. The other two monsters noticed and soon realized why. All three of them looked to you. Now that you existed, can monsters produce Spirit Energy now? [hr] ~[@Stern Algorithm]~ [quote=Vivian Altissima][color=f49ac2]"Traveling between worlds just sounds downright dangerous, and the more desperate you are, the more likely you'll choose a dangerous option, so we'll take it upon ourselves to help you in any way we can to ensure that if you do find a way home, that it is a safe choice."[/color][/quote] [quote=Sylvia Altissima][color=bc8dbf]"Th-that's right! You don't have to do this alone. And I'm curious to learn about the different worlds and how to travel between them."[/color][/quote] Neil smiled brightly at the sisters' reply. "Thanks, you two. I've been trying to find help in this endeavor of mine so I'm glad you two offered. If there's anything I can do for you two... although, please don't expect too much. I'm not exactly... not exactly a man of talents. B-But I'll do my best, I guarantee you that." "Well, our break's almost over. Time to get going and back into the fray." Neil rose from his seat. "Ah, I know. Once we're done helping and after I've asked Riñas about the other-dimensions thing, why don't we... wander around a bit? See what else the festival offers. Maybe grab a bite or two. It'll be like a date." After mentioning 'date', he quickly blushed. "Uhh, by 'date' I mean... well, not that kind of 'date' but, uhh..." Looks like he needs saving from the tangle he himself created.