[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200314/56372802c7cec71e5fc577d906baad3c.png[/img] [h3] & Reaver[/h3][/center] Reaver felt restless. There had been many factors on him accepting the last assignment of his. But denying himself some solace after that mission to plunge into another required some sort of an iron will. Still, the flesh was weak. And he had nothing to lose to use the phone that the vampire lady had provided. He weighed his phone in his hand, deciding whether it was a bad idea or not. Odin was awfully silent as of late. The old fool only ever gave counsel on certain things, the matters of lust and love were way below his paygrade. He still craved though. And He was a bit guilty about having to decline. Without thinking twice, he typed the number and waited. After a moment, he heard a familiar voice. [color=662d91]“Hmm? Who is this?”[/color] “Reaver, m’lady.” He said with aplomb. “First of all, I would like to apologize for things not having gone as intended. Business and pleasure have a tendency to interfere in each other's way. Were it another time I would gladly accept.” Reaver heard Justine sipping a drink of some kind. [color=662d91]“Ohohoo~ How did you intend for things to have gone, then?”[/color] She asked in an amused tone. “Well, my last make-believe knight play ended with my target being eaten. And the other ally fled. So a little m’lady and knight would be very welcome. Alas, I’ve been called to be a destroyer once more, rather than a dark protector.” Reaver admitted. “Although this is what the Allfather wants too, so I have little choice.” [color=662d91]“Such a shame, isn’t it?”[/color] Justine stated; the sound of nails tapping against a wooden surface in rhythmic fashion could be heard. [color=662d91]”But what if the Allfather were to be told that there would be a greater battle to be had in my company? As you know, I am about to embark on a journey myself, to rid this world of a vile, peeping witch and her equally depraved legions of monsters and hags. I would love to share the carnage with a dark knight of my own, hohoo~”[/color] “That would explain the silence.” Reaver pondered. “Please allow me to reconsider a few things...in light of these circumstances.” He said. [color=662d91]"Very well then. I'll be waiting for you~"[/color] Justine spoke in a subtly sensual tone, and ended the call. Reaver rubbed his forehead, as he sighed. He had made a decision back then, and it had been hard to do. And yet… New information was changing the scales, and making him ponder. It would not hurt to just flat out call and ask Al. A shady broker he might have been, but words were rather cheap, and probably wouldn’t change much. Looking back and forth, he typed Al Scarpe’s number. “Buona Sera, Capo. May I share a piece of mind with you?” [b]"What is it, peguci? I'm busy, so speak quickly."[/b] Reaver could hear a cigar's crunchy handling. “I’ve done something...not recommended. But through it, I’ve come to realize the tetchy vampire lady of the other day… is more concerned about the firepower that will face her than we initially thought. Why would she even go to us, given our past… troubles with her? So I was wondering if … arrangements could be changed.” Reaver could hear a sigh coming from the Coin Broker. [b]“I should have known letting you see that broad was [i]sbaglio[/i]. But I like you peguci, so I look through fingers. You are free to pursue any missions you see fit; trying to mismatch wrong person for job, only results in failure. And seeing as how you’re head over heels for Justine, only makes sense.” [/b]He paused as he took an audible puff of smoke [b]“Very well; I shall cancel my orders of agents and equipment, assign them somewhere else. But, the money to cover losses has to come from somewhere. So your debt increases appropriately, [i]capische?[/i]” [/b] Reaver pondered. "Shots have been called already then. No broad is worth going back on my word." He audibly sighed. " I had a hunch on it being comfortably chaotic and could open up business opportunities." The dark warrior said. "Speaking of which, I just had an idea…" [b]"I'm all ears, peguci." [/b] "Quick power. No questions asked. Just use the black coin to take revenge on the big bad hitmen… and before they know, they will be tied to us. I do know this is your model of business, but we might be able to accelerate things, you know. How many of these magical children are tempted in these dark times? We can even offer a coin to the Lady Justine… a poisoned chalice of a gift " Reaver heard another puff of smoke. [b]“I like the way you think. If we get Justine into the business, we could expand our magical trafficking operation. So a Black Coin would be all it takes? That is acceptable.”[/b] Then Reaver noticed how black smoke began to emanate from his phone, as if it was leaking it; the smoke then coalesced into the shape of a Black Coin on his hand. [b]“There. Consider it investment, peguci.”[/b] "You know, capo. It's all about the timing. It does not take a big offer, it is a matter of making it so they can't refuse. Thank you for your time." He thanked Al for it. Now to sell it to Justine...