[color=f7941d]"Legendary Hero of the Sword, Cole is my name at your service Mister Cain."[/color] Cole tells the new comer as he considers the context of the situation at hand despite the issues that will be brought to bare it will be a difficult fight. Zeltoble didn't raise cowards, and he knew going in that the situation would be difficult but he wondered just how much...its not like they could rewind time if they failed. Cole figured it was going to be dangerous...but he had to be strong for his team. [color=f7941d]"Our patron is giving us his blessing for this meaning I doubt we'll find that much trouble. Besides the bounty is hardly the prize. Its the recognition we want."[/color] Cole says as he turns to Cain. [color=f7941d]"You want to join with us? I can't promise that we can keep you safe if you do join we're going to be fighting as a unit. And the Shield Hero, and I have precious little experience in real combat. We were just summoned a few days ago if that."[/color] Cole says to Cain as he turns to Ferr. He sighs, [color=f7941d]"That being said you know I'll do my best to carve our way to victory."[/color] "With all due respect sir Shield. Your bounty you are inquiring about is a dead or alive bounty. And is claimable in either state. She is wanted for high treason in Zeltoble but being who you are. I'm sure the law may be willing to bend slightly as long as you can provide proof if you kill her with something like fire." claims the Guild's Desk Manager.