[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/KeAjc2u.png[/img][/center] [center][sup]The Gay Grove[/sup][/center] [color=f26522]“Well, I guess that settles it!”[/color] Mariah clapped as Isla made her way over then explained her powers. Already she was kind of sort of thinking up a plan and then Emily spoke-- [b]"Mar...iah...? What exactly can you do? Because far as I can tell all we have to do is have Isla teleport to the flag, haul ass, and we cover her... which will be made difficult by the likes of Madison and... Maya."[/b] [color=#F3128D]"Actually I was thinkin' the opposite,"[/color] replied Mariah as she waved her fan about and cast her HATER BLOCKER abstraction on her parasol. It illuminated with a soft orange glow and she smirked as she told Emily, [color=#F3128D]"My power? I make stuff glow orange. Anyway-- which one of yall,"[/color] she turned to look over the group, [color=#F3128D]"Is most likely to draw the most attention versus who the least? I get the feelin' they gonna focus on her--"[/color] Mariah pointed to Isla [color=#F3128D]"-- and you--"[/color] she pointed to Emily [color=#F3128D]"-- which is good. I notice whenever you open your mouth errbody look atcha. Anyway, that mean whoever ain't gonna get noticed will be the person I'mma use my other spell-thing on."[/color] And she stared at Vashti as she said this, [color=#F3128D]"I bet it's you, huh?"[/color] Looking over her shoulder at the other team, Mariah explained to Emily, [color=#F3128D]"If they focus on you n' Pop-Up-Ad, I can make them HELLA focus on y'all. Which'll leave her,"[/color] she tilted her head at Vashti, [color=#F3128D]"T' be all sneaky 'round the back and take the flag while we act like we bout to do shit. She'll get my other spell-thingy that'll make 'em not notice her much. Boom bam,"[/color] Mariah snapped twice as punctuation, [color=#F3128D]"We wiiiiniiin, hunny."[/color] Now what Mariah wasn't saying was the fact that she didn't exactly understand how ANY of the other two spells worked. In fact, she was only being cool headed on the surface, but her body language-- the shifting posture and wiggly knees-- could help convey how nervous she was. That was good though, right? According to one of the Abuelas, she needed that bit of fear to make one of the spells work, but it kinda contradicted the power in her other spells... which required pretending you were the [i]baaaaaaddest[/i] bitch. Or. Something. Her lips pressed together as she awaited the input from the other members and whoever the hell was going to join as member six. Or five-- wait? Claudette had fucked up the balance of teams by standing off to the side. As she stared over there, Maria raised a brow behind her shades. Oh no. From behind Claudette, as she stood in the treeline, a large dude began making his way toward her. Hector, in all his glory, was stomping through the woods to get a better look at things. Loudly sucking his teeth, Hector was all, [color=#CBABCB]"Oh man where the sun even go? Why it all dark? Oh hey-- haaaay, girl."[/color] He stopped a bit away from Claudette as he... scratched his balls and stared at the sky.