[hr][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/y8f0UJw.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/H9epPjR.png[/img] [b][code]The Gay Grove.[/code][/b][/center][hr][center][hider=Appropriate Capture the Flag Music][youtube]https://youtu.be/GusLypfx7OQ[/youtube][/hider][/center][hr] Claudette from her nice little shady spot looked to the left, and then looked to the right. Everyone was making their little plan she could tell... however, she was getting bored with them meandering. And if [i]she[/i] of all people was getting bored then they were probably bored to tears. She yawned as she got up and then shouted, "Alright, go!" As her way of signaling for the match to start. [quote=Hector][color=#CBABCB]"... Oh man where the sun even go? Why it all dark? Oh hey-- haaaay, girl."[/color][/quote] Claudette immediately whipped around to see a shorter-than-her, musclebound, Spanish man that looked like he was either high out of his mind or drunk. Either way, Claudette's "Florida Man" senses were screaming... as she reached into her purse and pulled out her taser. "Please, stay back!" She said as she pulled the trigger and the taser-shocker-part-thingy went flying towards him. She was aiming for his center of mass but who knows where it could end up. [hr][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/nn5VWsV.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/XRra6ku.png[/img] [b][code]The Gay Grove.[/code][/b][/center][hr] [quote=Kara][color=brown]”How...are you gonna throw us?”[/color][/quote] "... Like this!" Madison said as she grabbed onto Kara by her forearm as she activated the Jaws. [i][h2]"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"[/h2][/i] She screamed at the very top of her lungs as she swung Kara around like she was one big human-sized shot-put and spun around as she just yeeted her at the flag hard as she could. With the [i]intention[/i] of her getting there before - or just as - Isla the Rambling Glasgow Weirdo got there. Something was satisfying about throwing a human being like a shot-put. Kara went flying through the air and the very second that Madison let go of Kara, she turned towards Maya. [i][h1]"... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"[/h1][/i] She screamed as she grabbed onto Maya (who contributed by screaming [i]herself[/i]) by the back of her shirt and her shorts (but not like in a gay way or anything). Madison cocked Maya back and also yeeted her at the flag... except higher up into the air. Madison watched Maya fly through the air and dive bomb the flag like the world's angriest eagle... as she hiccuped loudly. Then she turned towards Grace and pointed forward. "I don't wanna throw you, sis! Get me to the flag with your power!" Everyone was moving towards the flag as Madison shouted. "Hurry up!" [hr][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/1tJdWt7.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/dIfRnRE.png[/img] [b][code]The Gay Grove.[/code][/b][/center][hr] [quote=Mariah] [color=#F3128D]"Actually I was thinkin' the opposite, my power? I make stuff glow orange. Anyway-- which one of yall- Is most likely to draw the most attention versus who the least? I get the feelin' they gonna focus on her-- and you - which is good. I notice whenever you open your mouth errbody look atcha. Anyway, that mean whoever ain't gonna get noticed will be the person I'mma use my other spell-thing on. I bet it's you, huh? If they focus on you n' Pop-Up-Ad, I can make them HELLA focus on y'all..."[/color][/quote] If Emily had to be completely honest; she could barely understand [i]half[/i] of what Mariah was talking about. Maybe it was because she was a white girl but she couldn't help but tilt her head sideways as she talked. One eyebrow was raised as Emily was pretty certain that Mariah had a plan for sneaking around to getting the flag. And honestly, she didn't care enough to ask her to - um - speak English. Well, that, and the fact that she didn't want to offend a Latina person's English. [i]"... Sure thing!"[/i] Emily said in her chipper secretary voice. Vashti was getting serious... she took off the scarf and everything. Showing off her weird scaly arms, and Emily was just reminded to ask about that lizard form. "... Are you sure it's safe for you to play?" Emily nervously asked because the last thing she wanted was for an incident to- [quote=Claudette]"Alright, go!"[/quote] [quote=Madison][i][h2]"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"[/h2][/i][/quote] Emily couldn't help but jump when she heard Madison screaming like she had just taken twenty doses of heroin and mixed it with some vodka and she turned her head to see... Kara and Maya flying through the air. She raised an eyebrow as she was honestly confused as to what the [i]fuck[/i] their plan here was. Okay, she was going to focus on her objective: Maya. Emily stuck her finger out and her green tethered extended and attached themselves to the ground as far as they could go. Now she tested a bit with her tethers and discovered that they could move [i]her[/i] too. Though it was just a little bit of testing and whatnot... now would be the best time to, well, practice with it. She hopped up into the air a bit and let the tethers yank her forward a bit... ... The only problem was the landing. She didn't exactly time putting her foot down and telling her little magic power to stop. When Emily tried to put her foot down she was still pulling herself forward and she landed face-first on the ground with her hand still attached to the tethers. She was still getting pulled forward through the muddy ground until there was, well, no more tether to pull her.