Junebug lifted her hands slightly in an effort to appear non-threatening. It was at best partially successful. There was a cold math to making a play when you had a gun on you and although she was quick, it was unlikely she would be quick enough, or their adversaries incompetent enough that at least one of them wouldn't be shot in the few heart beats it would take to draw and fire. "We are mercenaries, looking for work," she admitted candidly. Then men scowled at his pronouncement and the lizard like man gave a low gutural hiss. "The lady of the house didn't seem to think very much of 'jumped up space trash who think they are hot shit' though," she added as she slowly turned to face the gunmen. Neil and Taya also turned keeping their hands clear of weapons. Looking an enemy in the eye had the advantage that you might catch the momentary tense that precceded action, though Junebug would not have liked to have bet her life on being able to read an alien. Untrained men were also less likely to shoot someone that was looking them in the eye, though that might or might not apply with these thugs. "So the Spider bitch didn't hire you hey?" the lizard snapped. Junebug shrugged. "We did get a nice ride in a rather shitty jeep out of the deal," she admitted, getting a nervous snicker from the accompanying men. The lizard glanced back at his cohort in some irritation. "Well the bitch's poor judgement keeps you alive for now but if you want to live, you come see the boss at the old cannery, who knows..." he looked Junebug and Taya up and down with a lewd grin. "Maybe he figures you aren't so useless... but if you sign on with the Spiders..." the lizard jerked his pistol sideways and fired into a brick wall, vaporising a fist sized chunk of rock that sprayed his own men. They stumbled and cursed and one managed to fire his weapon into an overhead walk way. A woman's head appeared and shouted a curse before ducking back a moment ahead of a short burst that slapped the upward face of the building. The lizard like alien looked annoyed by Junebug's lack of reaction but turned and led his men out of the alley. Once they vanished around the corner Junebug let out a long breath. Adrenaline burned through her body, desperate to be burned off but without a proper outlet. "I think maybe I'll join you in that cigar..."