Kijani splashed down into the refuse just in time to see Adam and her father shaking hands. That was good. It would help matters immensely if they got along well. “Alright...” She started to look around, striding through the dank, dirty water in her Stormtrooper uniform. The boots must have been waterproof, because she didn’t feel a thing. Lucky. “There’s got to be a way out of here.” She consulted the map they had printed off, despite it being slightly soggy, and started pacing through the water. She spoke while she searched. More garbage poured in while she did so. “Father, it’s amazing to see you alive and well. I have a thousand questions, but those are going to have to wait until we’re safe. I would hug you, but I feel rather disgusting right now. Plus I doubt you would appreciate the uniform.” A careful inspection of a side wall revealed an emergency stop button. “I suppose this is our exit strategy. We press this, I guess it will stop things. Maybe this is a failsafe just in case anyone fell in here accidentally. Lucky the Empire thought of it.” Her hand hovered above the button. “Everyone ready?”