[center][img] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200410/84a615d81cd19c1da3ad7181536ec0d9.png[/img][/center] Damn it. Will knew her too well. Of course he would realise that she’d want to keep one of them as a pet. He’d grown used to Dog but apparently swampjaws were a step too far for him. [color=00aeef]“Well it would be better for them than being kept by stupid whatshisface...”[/color] Sulkily puffing out her cheeks, she wandered off to check for an exit anyway. Although she would [i]love[/i] to have a pet swampjaw — and she was sure that Dog would eventually grow to like them — she knew that this was not the time nor the place to have such a discussion. Maybe she would be able to persuade Will at another point though...perhaps if they raised one from a baby or something? She'd seen a picture of a baby one once and they were even cuter. And usually they didn't just have one baby but several! Sparing one last glance at the creatures as they were forced towards the ceiling, Brie began to leisurely walk around the room. She tried to ignore the bellows, roars and snaps she could hear from above, the 'leftovers are adorable' part of her brain wanting to tell Will to let them go. It was distracting but Brie was as keen to get out of here as him, so she instead focused on the task at hand. A quick scan of the area told her there were no electrical systems she would be able to short-circuit in able to provide them with a way out. She also pushed on the heavy metal door they had come through but it seemed to be locked from the other side. From what she could see, the place was totally secure. [color=00aeef]“Nope, no way out! Looks like we’re locked in here. Guess he either expects us to be eaten or kill them...”[/color] Having done a full circuit of the room, she meandered back over to Will. Looking up at the swampjaws once more, her eyebrows furrowed as she tried to decide what to do. Thinking was hurting her tired and hungover brain, but even she could see that they didn’t have many options. [color=00aeef]“Ah, this is bullshit! I think we’re gonna have to hurt them."[/color] Sighing, she inwardly cursed Nero for doing this, hoping she would get a chance to at least shock him a little. [color=00aeef]"Well, I guess I should do something…”[/color] Clenching her fists together, Brie began to concentrate on absorbing more of the surrounding currents. The lights flickered as she did this, a couple of them blowing with a sudden ‘pop’ and causing the room to be cast instead by only a dim light. It was eery but nothing by which they couldn't still see. [color=00aeef]“Whoops, sorry! Erm, maybe you should stand back for this.”[/color] She glanced over at Will, aware of the significant amount of static electricity that was generating around her body. Normally she would be able to mostly prevent this but the fact that her hold on her powers had been slipping recently, along with being awfully hungover, meant that she really had little control over it. It crackled in the air, palpable and tense. To her it just felt like that familiar buzz she always cherished, but to others it would cause a rather painful shock. She could tell that her already messy hair was beginning to stand on end but she ignored this whilst she continued to concentrate. [color=00aeef]“Poor babies! I’m so sorry!”[/color] Holding out both her arms, palms raised, Brie suddenly sent two lightning fast bolts of electricity at the water surrounding the reptilian leftovers. The water began to bubble violently as the electricity coursed through it and with nowhere else to go, would strike directly through the bodies of the swampjaws. Brie closed her eyes, unwilling to see the poor things in pain, hoping it would work quickly. [color=00aeef]“Oh, I really hope they’re not dead...”[/color] [@Infinite Cosmos]