[quote=@Yankee] [@Candelabra] - Last but not least, thank you for pretty much everything! You've been an amazing writing partner for almost the entire time I've been on the Guild. Thank you for your patience, understanding, and really great replies. I always look forward to a post from you, you've got a great grasp of characters, your writing makes me laugh as well as makes me feel! I hope we can continue for a while longer! :sun [/quote] Definitely had to follow up on this--what she definitely didn't mention was all the times I had to take breaks and slow down while I was still getting into the habit of writing consistently again. Yank's got the patience of a saint and insane work ethic I could only ever dream of matching. She somehow manages to juggle so many characters at once without ever missing a beat between them yet I never get the sense that she burns out in the slightest. I was really lucky that she found me when she did; I'm blessed to have an opportunity to write with her and anyone else with that privilege definitely is too.