[hr][CENTER][url=https://fontmeme.com/never-really-over-font/][img]https://i.imgur.com/KfOItUi.png?2[/img][/url] "[color=#FF5757]That I can do.[/color]" [hr] —————————————————— [sub]The Woods: Middle of nowhere edition[/sub][/center] [indent] Grace blinked watching that new girl get tossed metres off the ground, her smile grew since she knew that would never get old. The coven always had something different everyday and that was what made everyday such a delight. She clapped her hands seeing Kara and Maya soar through the sky but as she was prepping herself to get flung it would appear that Madison had a different plan, she pouted but then turned her attention to the direction of the flag when Madison asked if she could take her there. She quickly jogged in place before moving behind Madison, she was larger than Grace so she needed to definitely use much more strength to make sure she does not get whiplash. She looked Madison up and down before grabbing each of her arms and putting them to her side. "[color=#FF5757]Wouldn't want to hit anything on the way there.[/color]" Said Grace, she placed one hand on the lower part of Madison's back and the other at the back of her head. A few sizzles and zaps could be heard as she started gaining momentum and speed as she ran towards the flag, their speed built up to 63mph in four seconds and Grace was trying to keep her eyes open so that they could arrive safely at the flag. Good thing she did that, she moved Madison and herself out of the way of Herik's attack before it got them out, would not want to get to hit before the fight even began. Man this was more dangerous than she though- Pfft, she was already having a blast, she did not care what would happen. Upon sight of the flag she definitely got excited and started to slow down, this was when she started losing balance due to the uneven ground but she could at least have it so that Madison does not get hurt. She pushed Madison's shoulder and head forward so she would end up doing a safety roll. Upon letting go of Madison, Grace fully stumbled and tripped, zooming past the flag and tumbling all the way through the field, she was lucky not to hit a tree but boy did that take some energy. She laid there in the grass for a few second, with a huge smile on her face she punched the air and screamed. "[color=#FF5757]Woo! Yeah![/color]" That was a blast even though she might end up with a few bruises, but with the adrenaline pumping she got back up with a spring in her step and made her way back to Madison, she was definitely far from the flag, but if she did her calculations right, causing Madison to that roll in that exact spot should put her a couple metres from the flag. Grace on the other hand was more than a couple metres away and was definitely on the wrong side of the map. She looked around to see if she could see anything that was bad, nothing so far, though she could see a bright orange arrow pointing a Emily and she could definitely see this being fun. She saw her land face first so this was an opportunity to at least provide some support so they do not get to Madison. She rubbed her hands together and fire a small lightning bolt in her direction, it would hit the ground next to her feet. The lightning bolts she was shooting out was much thinner than average bolts which meant they did barely any damage, it would shock them a little at best and cost less stamina. [hr] [CENTER][url=https://fontmeme.com/never-really-over-font/][img]https://i.imgur.com/Pucq5CT.png?2[/img][/url] "[color=#FFD700]Now I just need nine of them.[/color]"[/center][hr] Quinn held out her hand as soon as she saw Maya and Kara way above the ground like what should be humanly possible and started casting her summon. She looked down at her sigil watching it glow yellow, in a flash of golden light a white fox with pink accents appeared before her. She tilted her head before looking over to see Grace roll and crash metres from the flag, her eyes then went back to the fox before pointing over at Grace. Herik then asked if she could summon her Griffin to get in there. "[color=#FFD700]Uh... A little late there buddy, sorry.[/color]" She said giving Herik an awkward smile before continuing, "[color=#FFD700]Trust me! Kali here is going to be much more distracting, and she might even be useful when it comes to being a point guard.[/color]" Quinn stated, she actually was not sure if any of the things she said were correct but hey she needed to have an excuse to not have Keisha out, especially since Quinn knew she was much more useful in this current sequence of events. She then turned to Kali to carry on what she was doing. "[color=#FFD700]Long time no see, we're playing capture the flag right now, you're in right?[/color]" Asked Quinn, Kali immediately ran around in excitement and agreement before Quinn continued, "[color=#FFD700]But before you play, you see that girl over there?[/color]" Said Quinn as she pointed at Grace, "[color=#FFD700]She thinks she's faster than you, go ahead and do you thing.[/color]" She continued, the fox nodded, its tail started growing a bright teal before it split into nine tails to show off to her summoner. Quinn could not help but laugh and shake her head before she gestured her to go off and mess with Grace before making her way towards the flag. Kali started sprinting towards Grace, she was one hell of a distraction due to how much she stood out but since Grace was not facing the right way to see Kali coming, she barrelled into the girl's legs causing her to fall on her back. She looked over at Grace and once Grace sat up to look at what just hit her she slowly backed away from her and let out a pink mist from her tails before running off towards the flag. Quinn could see Grace look back at her, and she watched as she saw Grace get back on her feet to run towards the summoner, only to be tripped the same way by Kali yet again. "[color=#FFD700]Don't place this game with me! You're not going to like what will happen.[/color]" Quinn called out. Having Kali out on the field opened up Quinn to a lot of opportunities. She had learned more about this creature and its transferring capabilities. Being out here in the forest made for a perfect Hail Mary play if things go south, Quinn was not losing this bet and having Kali out made sure of that. Unless... Someone were to mess with Quinn's plan. [/indent][hr] [color=#BDBDBD][sub][right]Interactions: [/right][/sub][/color]