Fer turned to the voice, a sort of sweet but not soft like Auriels but more like molasses, sticky. His eyes fell once again on the leathery wings. He instinctively moved towards the front between his companions and the newcomer. The movement was no more than a few inches but the motion was evident and he immediately regretted it. He had nothing against the young man but something in his being in his raising had attributed a bad impression of those wings. His religious mother had often mentioned stories from the bible. This could also be a reason why he was so naturally drawn to Auriel. The man seemed confident but there was something in the way he said things that still made Fer narrow his eyes as if he could somehow discern that one thing he could not place. Whatever the case, the man seemed to be no threat and his smile would have been almost charming. The young hero cleared his throat awkwardly and was glad Cole spoke first as the words seemed to catch in his. He nodded at Cole when his companion expressed his solemn vow to succeed. Fer was counting on him, as a person only capable of defense, he needed the sharp sword and true spear of his companions to help him defeat the enemies. Teamwork was the only way to ensure his return to his world. He then turned to the young beast man and extended his arm as his voice said firmly but calmly and as friendly as he could muster. [color=0054a6]“I am Fernando, The Shield Hero. You may call me Fer if you like.”[/color] He even mustered a slight smile. [color=0054a6]“What Cole says its true. We are new to this world and to fighting. Especially new to our weapons. Legendary Heroes we may be called but I am afraid our skills are not at that level.”[/color] He shrugged as he continued [color=0054a6]“However, if you don’t mind that then I for one welcome any help we may have. From what I have heard from the Guild Receptionist and from you, we are in for quite a fight as we face this Ryla Winters.” [/color] As if on cue, the Receptionist stated that they needed proof of the bandit leader’s death if there were to collect the bounty. Fer grimaced at the very real possibility that they would have to provide some sort of body part. However, this world was abundant in magic and other such things, so he turned to the Receptionist and asked honestly. [color=0054a6]“What ways could we utilize to prove we have completed the task? What will you require? A body part, some other item?”[/color] His voice had an obvious distaste as he mentioned the question.