[h1][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/318085664132562944/734397073641963520/The_Throne_of_Fay.png[/img] Alice Sicilly : Seeking Descent[/h1] [hr] [center]Interactions [@Rune_Alchemist][/center] [hr] Her eyes had poured over the pages as she took in what was written, making note of the map and the three areas she had to visit. The moutainfolk were obviously within a mountainous region, scaling it may be difficult. She had a naught but her map when it came for travelling the regions. SHe may stumble upon a means but for now she'd put that option away, She didn't need to deal with potential frostbite on her new wings. Heading down south may be better, longer trek to be sure but 'Maids' made her think of a well made civilisation. The Death Bringer part didn't bother her in the slightest. She didn't fear the concept of death. Using her glass shards, she'd make 4 vertical cuts into the book cover, in order to create loops for which she could carry the book almost like a backpack. She wanted to take this with her, It was obvious that it had more information she could study. But first she needed to get out of here. Fastening the book to her back, neatly tucked in a way so she could use her new wings she'd do a couple of hops to get used to the weight. Hop hop! jump! The leap of faith! her wings batting heavily against the dead air that filled this place. She was the only one left in the room, ergo she had some leeway in case the book upon her back was.. Heavy. Heavy yes she'd fall a little too fast but manage to catch herself at the last moment with some exhaustive wing beats. As she'd ascend back. Arms outstretched in front of her to steady herself as she'd slowly fly out of the room, Moving in the opposite direction of the ones that had just left, Her goal would be to find an exit. Or perhaps.. She could see if there was that "Tears of Heaven" thing around. Still The Fae had a plan now. A driving force. She would figure out the mystery given to her by this tome, for better or for worse. This had raised the curiosity of herself. Still. She would start thinking over the nature of the words given to her on the front. [i]"The moon shall writhe and cry silver, the stars swallowed by an inescapable void. The blackened sky shall descend, and devour the ancient shell."[/i] The Phrase felt so unique in its structure. Perhaps it was a code phrase for something. Or a warning. A blackened sky was much too vague. But it seemed apocalyptic in nature. She'd also be thinking on the nature of the book. How could she get it to spill more of its secrets. What nature of magic enchanted the tome and why was it enchanted so. Though for now the most pressing matter would be to get out into the open air. The staleness of this place reminded her too much of her own home and it sickened her to the core.