Frosiien laughed at Michael's words, "You did indeed." She continued, "You humans always amuse me." She looked to Varina with a small smile. "I am glad you had fun." Varina smiled before she looked towards Mitch as Soul moved to hop up on the couch beside Michael as he picked up Sparky to put her on his back as he did so. [i]"I am more than happy to keep watch Mitch."[/i] Soul added quietly, the Delibird furrowed his brow before weakly nodded once. [i]"Aye, fine. I will have a nap."[/i] He moved to close his eyes and lean against the nearest wall. Frosiien smiled towards Michael, "I'm glad you offered to look after me." She said softly, "My Cousins aren't bad, I promise. It's just... They're not used to humans. Not like myself and my brothers." Sparky gave a small mumble as she was moved, nuzzling into Souls fur as she stretched out a bit more with a huff- some glitter jetting from her nose and covering a part of Soul.