[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=limegreen]Elizabeth Flame[/color][/h1] [img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/ZT1oFwOs5lgNjkkr5dYCXnqcJHdga3d_7U1_fF0io8o/https/i.imgur.com/6VXPWB7.png[/img] [I][color=limegreen]Location:Thane's Table Skills: N/A [hr][hr][/color][/I] [/center] Beth had to keep herself from rolling her eyes. Prophetic visions didn't tend to come with evidence, but that didn't mean she shouldn't be taken on her word, "[color=limegreen]Well, I did this.[/color]" She started to say, reaching out and bringing out the runes she had drawn, "[color=limegreen]I wasn't sure if my vision was a dream or not, so I used some magic to confirm.[/color]" She slid the paper across the table to Lief. She may be a daughter of Loki, but she didn't make a habit of lying to people in power about serious matters. This wasn't her kind of prank, and she hoped that the Thanes weren't stupid enough to think that it was. Crossing her arms she continued to say, "[color=limegreen]I get if you don't want to believe me, I'm making a big claim here.[/color]" She conceded, "[color=limegreen]But consider this: If I'm right, and you do nothing, you're part of the reason the world ends.[/color]" She knew that that was an aggressive argumentation strategy, but it was required here. If she was right, and they did nothing, countless would die, their godly parents included. Guilt, she found, was an incredibly effective motivator, and there wasn't much that could make a person feel guiltier than implying that they'd be responsible for death on a scale hitherto undreamt of.