[h2]Higanbana Shoujo[/h2] "It's no small wonder that I summoned you, then," commented the black-haired girl as she walked. Indeed, a famed yokai and herself, who could be considered as an entity disconnected from humanity and far more connected to such creatures... It only stood to reason, really. It only made sense that they would come to be partnered together as Master and Servant. Ah, this truly would be enjoyable, wouldn't it? A part of her couldn't deny her curiosity, of course. Ushiwaka... the childhood name of none other than Minamoto no Yoshitsune. What had he been like? Ah, but asking questions like a curious child would undoubtedly run counter to her image. Rather, Akane would inject the matter into conversation at another point later on. For the moment, chief in her mind was simply obtaining the shrine as a position to establish a workshop. From that point onward, they could operate quite freely. And Akane could see if this war had anyone worth killing. Or, perhaps... Well, that could be seen to when it came to it. For the moment it was best to focus on the task at hand. But it seemed that would not be so simple. There was no way to ignore the voices coming from the direction of the shrine. "... It seems there are others who have had the same idea," Akane commented, with a sigh, "Very well. I should like to meet them, Caster." One of her geta tapped against the floor, and a red hue surrounded her. "And so I shall. Please do be wary, but do not feel undue concern for me." Surrounding her feet was a clustered of crimson, gleaming higanbana. As they spread from here her geta made contact with the ground, they too paradoxically appeared ahead of the shrine, in her line of sight, sprouting seemingly from the stone path to the building. Soon, a reddish haze in the rough shape of a young girl had appeared in their midst... And then Akane was there. By her nature as an entity connected to the land, such feats were simple for her. On her shoulder rested a crimson paper umbrella, and she cocked her head lightly. "... Hello there," she began in a pleasant tone, "'Tis only natural to run into such people tonight, I suppose." [@Anza][@KoL][@1Charak2]