[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200129/2b530ba2297eea5b234b6eed58e3d1df.png[/img][/center] Vah’lux looked on at the weary-minded priest as he set the bowls of soup and bread down, apologizing for the lack of anything more extravagant than what was due to them. As far as the Goliath was concerned, it was sufficient, although she had rarely been of any real want for a very long time. Not even when she had been but a youngling amongst her tribe, the way of her people was always survival no matter what the odds. She had been content, for the most part. Although, it was family that the woman missed the most, and a notion that she supposed would never happen within a group such as she found herself in. They were all looking out for themselves, or so it seemed. “Thank you all the same, holy man.” She nodded toward the other as she lifted the soup and bread and returned to her seat on the stone bench. Things could have been worse for sure, and while spending a night under the stars and exposed to the elements would not have normally bothered the Goliath woman, The Marches was no land she wished to take any changes on, not if she hoped to survive into the next day. And as Vah’lux allowed the sub-par meal to satisfy her immediate hunger, her thoughts drifted back far enough to her animal companion, the dire wolf whose hide was black as night, and whom she considered a good friend ever since her gladiatorial days in Thraduum. She hoped he had escaped -as was the agreement- when she herself was captured by the militia, but she also hoped he would soon find her once again if the gods so saw fit. Breaking from her momentary reverie, Vah’lux put the bowl aside and picked up her now dry underwraps to cover her chest and pelvic area once again. Once things were secure, she sat back down on the bench to finish off her food.