Vuthaternock chuckles. [color=ed1c24]"Your security is lacking, princess. I already found six ways into your vault. The door itself is impressive, but all I'd need to bypass it is to cut your finger while you sleep, and press the blood to the door. Or I could break my way in, tunnel in with a monster, melt through the wall, use stone shaping magic, or simply switch out with a guard."[/color] He tilts his head. [color=ed1c24]"Why do you keep saying "we"? You assume that you're coming? I highly doubt your parents would approve. As their only heir, if you were to die, the royal family would die out completely. If you come with, we cannot guarantee your safety. We will likely have to undergo many obstacles in out search for the dagger, and if you are hurt or killed under our watch, it is us, the people, who will suffer the most."[/color] He shakes his head. [color=ed1c24]"It is not in your best interest to come with us. I might be able to get you a wyvern bodyguard if you wish."[/color]