[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=limegreen]Elizabeth Flame[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/6VXPWB7.png[/img] [I][color=limegreen]Danger Room -> Jungle Skills: Transmutation [hr][hr][/color][/I] [/center] Elizabeth stood up as Rhinos burst into the room, ready to actually put up a fight this time and not run. Sure, massive fucking animals were scary and all, but not the kind of "run for your life and don't look back" kind of scary that insects were. Leveling her arm art them, she was ready to take a shot at the monsters, before Bethany dealt with the problem herself. Grinning, she turned her head and said, "[color=limegreen]That was absolutely wicked, nice work![/color]" She nodded and smiled at her. Shadow travel seemed like a pretty cool power to have, especially if it could be used to clear rooms like that. Now she just had to hope that they wouldn't come back. Stepping towards the hole, Elizabeth said, "[color=limegreen]I might be able to do something about that, give me a minute.[/color]" Peering over at it and holding her hands out, she approached the rim of it. Transmutation was still something she was learning to master, but hopefully it would prove useful here. Resting her hand on the edges of the hole, she started massaging and working the matter, trying to coax is closer and closer together to patch the hole the rhinos made. It felt a bit like stretching pizza dough, the matter wanted to generally move how she wanted it to, but it also wanted to spring back, and if she applied too much pressure, it felt like she'd tear a new hole. Being careful, she settled for just shrinking it enough to hopefully keep something out. "[color=limegreen]There, this should make things a bit better.[/color]" Walking back over she picked up the dice, and gave them a roll. "[color=limegreen]Let's do this then![/color]" She said, as the dice came up as an eleven, and as he piece finished moving, the riddle came out: [i][center]In the jungle you must wait Until the dice read five or eight.[/center][/i] That never was a good outcome to receive, and unfortunately for everyone, since people were paired up, this resulted in not one, but two people receiving the outcome. One minute Elizabeth and Carolina were both there, the next they were gone in a flash of light as they ended up trapped within the game itself. To them, they'd be able to see themselves surrounded by trees in a large jungle of sorts, and nearby there was the sounds of something moving through the trees, heading straight for them, but they couldn't see what it was.