"That's not how that works, Sugarplum." Even chimed in, finding a seat in the cockpit and strapping in before the overzealous pilot could take off. "Any survivors or friends of the Blackcloaks hear about that stunt and want blood and will gather as much support as they can possibly muster. Even without a leader they've managed to procure a ship like this and will let us just fly off with it. Anyone else who hears about this won't trust you in the future, cutting off possible jobs, contacts, and resources. This is a hot ship. We're in a Hegemony base, abandoned or not. If any shrubs decide to look into the whole situation, they ain't comin' down on our side. And on top of all that, we don't get paid. If you pull a stunt like that right now, the ones you know for sure who aren't winning is us. For now we should be thinkin about springing Gaebril without getting our asses burnt." Of course, after the job's settled and the checks are cleared, making off with a nice ship like this could be a very valuable asset, but one thing at a time. He needed the cred first. Betrayal could come later when this whole agreement had worn out all of its use. But right now? What would the point be of deciding to plant a sapling only to burn it the moment you finished digging the hole for it.