[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200404/5bf3c44e9422767c0807c7bb1942caf6.png[/img] [img]https://i.gifer.com/Qlvx.gif[/img] [/center] [color=lightgray][indent][indent][indent]For the rest of the weak, Sam had been keeping his head low and studying. Hana had been transferred to the medical ward, as well as Theo, making him wonder if he would get sick. Sam turned into an absolute baby when he was sick. Chicken soup, cuddles, thick blankets - the whole nine yards. His brain always felt swollen, and his nose was always itchy, and if he came down with anything he’d miss the party! [i]Oh shit, the party![/i] Today was Friday. It was already seven. After hopping out of the shower, Sam saved his video game before turning off the TV. He hadn't planned an outfit, or made a plan with his friends. As far as he knew, Sol and Leo were both attending. Rumor had it that somehow the kids were trying to get a hold of booze. While the prospect of booze was definitely intriguing, that wasn’t Sam’s sole purpose for going. He wanted to hang out with his friends, maybe get a little tipsy and maybe - [i]just maybe[/i] - he might hook up with someone cute. The need to find someone to date had been itching at him here lately in a way that Same just couldn’t describe. With a sigh and a shrug of the shoulders, Sam began to dig through his closet in search for the perfect outfit. [/indent][/indent][/indent][/color]