[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200711/656ff49de2d64dce5253ee155e0da5cb.png[/img][hr][hider=Anna] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/581497240573444097/732323419349057697/AV.png[/img] [/hider][/center][hr] Not long after Ziv slumped upon the counter, a white-colored patch can be seen flying from the stairs to the second floor until it smacks right onto the back of Ziv's neck. [color=lightblue]"Leave that on until before you go to sleep and it will make you feel better. But don't do anything you still wouldn't do if you felt dead tired."[/color] Annalyse called out as she descended the stairs. She had spent the beginning of her morning working on her various commission work for enhancing guildmates' armor and weapons, but she needed some breakfast before she continued. As she headed towards the cafe's bar she nodded towards and greeted the other members present. She sat down and turned to the guild barkeep, [color=lightblue]"Mr. Tanner, could I please get one of those sandwiches that you make really well? And maybe some orange juice as well?"[/color] Despite having come down here to eat breakfast rather than to work, she still couldn't keep from it. She used her Requip to pull out a pair of gloves that one of the guildmates needed for a coming up trip to Mt. Hakobe. While her magic could be used in combat it was extremely optimal for utility so she often did commission work for other guild members to make varying kinds of things for them. She looked at the others, [color=lightblue]"Mr. Bosmir and Mr. Talentino, how did your missions go? And is that a new book Ms. Takashi?"[/color]