[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.ibb.co/5k4KnzD/Webp-net-resizeimage-1.png[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][color=639A5E][b]Location:[/b][/color] Agent 13's apartment [color=639A5E][b]Skills:[/b][/color] N/A[/center][hr] [color=639A5E]"Is it really that surprising that he's like that? Honestly, some people are just like that and don't care much for any sort of tech, just the way things are,"[/color] he muttered more of to himself then anyone else. He was a little annoyed with everyone, and couldn't think of much else to really say on the subject. Matt was being the blabber mouth and constantly talking and being the one to ask questions regarding Steve Rogers and getting info from Agent 13. Flynn was only partially paying attention to what was being said until it seemed like Agent 13 was talking to him specifically. It took a moment for him to acknowledge what she had even really said towards him, and he let out a bit of a sigh, and looked straight at her. [color=639A5E]"Oh I don't know, maybe because for once I seem to be the only one who seems to actually not see anything wrong with what Rogers is doing, and also knowing full well that history is clearly repeating itself and no one seems to give a damn? Less then a year ago this hell went through where a government agency was trying to control a specific group of people and thought they were above the law, as well as trying to get a full law actually passed, in order to control that population. You wonder what my problem is? Everything is going to shit, history is repeating itself in a horrible way and no one gives a damn. This time, last year I was with that organization, it was OMEN, and it nearly resulted in a horrific future that resulted in a lot of people dying when it wasn't necessary, or when it could have been prevented, so sorry for seemingly being the only one in this group who seems to have fucking morals. Since no one else seems to give a damn about controlling everyone, not to mention geniuses what happens if that registration list or whatever gets stolen by oh I don't know, maybe HYDRA, or some other group who might go after those heroes who don't constantly live in the fucking spotlight, sorry but you all are idiots for not seeming to care, since clearly no one actually has fucking emotions or morals towards anyone else but themselves anymore. Not to mention when history repeats itself at the very least it should be a few decades, [i]not in less than a fucking year![/i]"[/color] In truth, Flynn hadn't meant to vent quite so much, or snap as much as he did. However it felt [i]really[/i] good to do that. Also, a part of him was now glad that there were only a few of them actually in the room, since that meant less people to probably make comments and call him an idiot or something. Since he felt like at this rate everyone else seemed onboard with this without any sort of problems. Yup, probably for the best there weren't too many people. [hr][hr][center][img]https://i.ibb.co/n83XcHK/Webp-net-resizeimage.png[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][color=F3E010][b]Location:[/b][/color] the Triskelion -Mechanical Engineering Lab -> Outside [color=F3E010][b]Skills:[/b][/color] Flying[/center][hr] Sparky was more then a little surprised when Amelia seemingly hugged her, she was so vastly different from everyone else on the team. They acted more gloomy or serious all the time, it was a little nice change of pace from everyone else. However the words out of her mouth about the wedding caused her heart to start racing and she looked away, fiddling with the ring on her hand as she had taken to doing whenever she was nervous. Though now it was more of because she was thinking about all of the possibilities of what could go wrong. Everything ranging from not finding out what really had happened to just Raynor being dead in general messed with her head, and it was not something she could think about right now, especially if she was going to be flying a large distance. [color=F3E010]"...I don't want to think about that right now, since if we succeed on this trip I probably will still have a wedding, if not..."[/color] she sort of trailed off, sort of implying the one thought that had been going on through her head constantly ever since Raynor's disappearance. Luckily, she was somewhat okay from Maria zapping her powers, and she took a few deep breaths, looking at the pair. [color=F3E010]"Alright, let's get going..."[/color] she said, heading out of the lab and outside of the Triskelion entirely. She took a deep breath, before getting a running start and taking off into the air, [color=F3E010]"Come on, let's get going, it'll take us a little while to get there,"[/color] she said towards them, before she starting heading in the direction of New York City.