Adrienne let out a sigh of relief when she awoke, watching her carefully and gauging her awareness to her surroundings. She smiled slightly,” don’t apologize, I know it’s hard to stay awake. I’m just grateful you woke back up.” She turned, putting the lid back on the alcohol, swallowing hard. The thought drifted into her head how she was going to hide this from her father, and cover up what happened today. Quickly, she shut down those thoughts, or else she’d never get her focus back on the task at hand. At her statement, she felt her stomach drop, and she swallowed hard. Rayne didn’t know, couldn’t know, and would never know about her past. “Yeah... it’s a skill I’ve picked up over the years.” She began to busy her hands, cleaning up and gathering all the trash that has been made, shoving usable items back into the kit. She could still feel her mind racing, the panic shoving at the edges of her mind. Her father would murder her if he came home now, to the mess, the blood, the broken lock, the alcohol bottle, and a stranger in his house. Her hands begun to shake slightly before the more logical side of her brain jumped in. It clamped down on her emotions, sealing everything out. She was no longer panicking, however she no longer felt anything. Noticing the movement out of the corner of her eye, she helped Rayne sit up, her hand hovering behind her back in case if the movement caused her blood pressure to drop, and subsequently her to pass out. When she seemed stablized, she let her hand drop, her face oddly striped of any emotion. The house was very plain, only the most basic of furniture in the room. A single couch, coffee table, and a tv were the only items located inside of the room. It made the room feel significantly larger, all of the empty space. Everything was completely clean, almost obsessively so. Hearing her statement about leaving, her eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the Rayne and was about to say something, before thunder shook the house. She glanced towards the window, before nodding to her second statement. “Leaving right now would be a bad idea. I wouldn’t let you walk anyways, but you are far too likely still to suddenly pass out. It would be to risky. You do not need to apologize, you did not choose or ask for him to attack you. You are welcome though, it is not in me to leave someone injured if I can help.” She looked around briefly, before I thought popped into her head. “I’ll be right back.” She stood, grabbing the trash, and walking away and into the kitchen. Leo looked anxiously after Adrienne, his ears slightly back, obviously waiting for her return. And return her did, holding a water bottle and a granola bar. “If you don’t feel like eating that’s fine. If you feel like you will throw up if you have anything in your stomach you don’t have to drink the water. However, I would suggest you do. You lost a lot of blood, and water and nutrients will help you get better faster.” She held out the two items, the tiniest hint of a smile on her mouth, but it didn’t seem to carry anywhere else. [@Arista]